Creative and Therapeutic Activities in Health and Social Care

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Aim: Review your chosen creative or therapeutic activity for patients or service users in a health and social care setting.

Review of Activities

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The activities I carried out as part of this assignment was a group activity of “snap”; a popular and common card game, and a single activity of puzzles. I believe that the activities went successfully and according to plan and that the service user/s participating found it an enjoyable experience.

In order to prevent the health and safety issues I discovered in Task 1, I ensured that the area where the activities took place were kept clear and that the tables and chairs were set in a suitable manner to avoid service user/s from hurting themselves by tripping over.

As activity 1 was a group activity that took place in the “activities room” at Edith Pearson Lodge it came to my recognition that the few service user/s that suffer from mobility problems may find it difficult to take themselves to the destination. In order to remove this barrier, I received help from colleagues at my work placement to help the clients to the activities room by using wheelchairs, walking frames, manual handling etc.

The relevant legislations, regulations and codes of practice that were relevant to take into consideration whilst my activities took place were; HASWA, RIDDOR, and Manual Handling Operations Regulations. Below, I have noted the importance and necessity of these legislations in more detail:

Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HASWA)

The Health and Safety at Work Act (HASWA) applies to all work situations. It covers everyone at work or anyone, such as the general public, who may be visiting a workplace. HASWA covers all health and safety legislation, providing a safe environment for all employees and employers.




Planning safety and security

Safety of individuals being cared for

Correct use of the systems and procedures

Providing information about safety and security

Safety of the working environment

Reposting flaws or gaps within the system or procedure when in use

Updating systems and procedures with five or more employees

Taking responsible care of themselves and other people affected by their work and cooperating with employers in the discharge of their obligations

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995


Employers must report accidents, diseases and dangerous occurrences and deaths to the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). The HSE can then use this information to perform risk assessments.

Every workplace should have an accident report form as correct documentation of an accident, incident or near-miss is important. The person completing the form should make a detailed note of dates times, witnesses and the treatment necessary. With a clear description of the event it may be possible to ensure that measures are taken to reduce the risk of a similar incident occurring again.

Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992

Caring for frail and vulnerable people may occasionally involve different forms of lifting. It is very important that when you lift a person you do not put yourself or them at risk. Before lifting, carefully consider if there is a safer alternative and what equipment is available to help you. Lifting should be the last option when moving a person.

Poor lifting techniques result in many thousands of lost working hours sue to injury. As a result, the HSE has set out guidelines to follow to avoid muscular and skeletal injury:

1. Think about the lift. Where is the load to be placed? Do you need help? Are handling aids available?

2. Get ready to lift. Stand with your feet apart.

3. Bend the knees. Keep the back straight. Tuck in your chin. Lean slightly forward over the load to get a good grip.

4. Get a good grip on the load and lift smoothly

It was extremely important that I acknowledged the legislations above whilst undertaking my activities for the safety of the service user/s participating.

For the service user/s that participated in the activities, I think that they benefited in many different ways. Although it may seem like the activities are not beneficial, but just enjoyable, below, I have stated the many ways in which the service user/s that took part in the activities I prepared for them have benefited.

The Physical benefits the service user/s may gain are that in order to play a game of “snap” they will need to use their arms and hands, and they will have to have quick reflexes in order to win the game. This means that their muscles will be functioning which will help them develop fine motor skills. This activity also allows them to practice on their hand-eye coordination.

For Activity 2, they benefit physically through exercising his/her wrist. It is important that they practice these basic exercises as they are not able to be extremely physically active due to their health and/or certain disabilities. This activity does not require them to be physically active beyond their ability however, benefits them in a physical way.

The Intellectual benefits that will come of Activity 1 is that in order to play a game of snap, a persons mind needs to work fast and they need to think hard about being quick to win the game. This is a good benefit to service users as their minds will be exercised. They will also benefit intellectually from Activity 2 because the mind will be concentrating and on focus to figure out the puzzles. This keeps the brain stimulated and interested in new and challenging activities.

Everybody needs to be liked and feel the need of being worth something. The activities I prepared for the service user/s at my work placement benefited them emotionally because it gave them a chance to enjoy themselves. The activities may also have had an affect on their lack of self esteem because if it was something they found they were good at, they will feel better about themselves. Also, if they are able to learn something new, they can share that with other’s.

The Social benefits that came of Activity 1 are that the service users will be communicating with other people and will be enjoying themselves. This improves their social skills because it is likely for them to make more friends. They learn to be independent and are able to work on their own but are still able to have fun and be sociable with others.

Participating in Activity 2 also benefited the service user socially, because if they learn something new, they can go and share that with another service user, which not only improves their lack of self esteem, it also encourages them to be more socializing and gives them a chance to bond with other patient/service users.

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Creative and Therapeutic Activities in Health and Social Care. (2017, Nov 26). Retrieved from

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