Death of a Salesmans

Essay's Score: B

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Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman is a tragic play that explores the theme of failure in the success-driven society of America. The main character, Willy Loman, symbolizes the individuals who strive for success but end up experiencing bitter failure. The play delves into the American psyche, portraying a strong desire for success and societal recognition. It depicts the shattered dreams and the decline into madness of a man, which has a profound impact on his family. Willy’s descent into lunacy is depicted through his delusions about his deceased brother and his accomplishments. Willy’s brother Ben represents everything he aspired to achieve but never did, embodying the elusive “American Dream.” In Willy’s fantasies, Ben serves as a motivating force, exemplifying the success that eludes him. Ben boasts about his own accomplishments, recalling how he became rich by venturing into the jungle at seventeen and returning at twenty-one.(48). Willy’s entire life is overshadowed by his accomplished older brother. He constantly observes his wealthy brother and aspires to achieve the same level of success. Willy embarks on a career as a traveling salesman, hoping to effortlessly convince people to purchase his goods. Unfortunately, Willy stays in this high-speed profession for too long and eventually loses all of his customers. “If I had accompanied him to Alaska back then, everything would have turned out differently…”

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Death of a Salesmans. (2018, Feb 06). Retrieved from

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