Lymphoma is a type of malignant neoplastic disease that affects the lymphatic system. Lymphoma is divided into two types called Hodgkins lymphoma and non-Hodgkin ‘s lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin ‘s lymphomas ( NHL ) are a scope of diseases emerging from clonal proliferation of lymph cells which is a type of white blood cells ensuing in malignant neoplastic disease or tumour formation of lymphatic system.
An estimated 8,000 new instances of NHL has been diagnosed yearly in the United Kingdom at the terminal of the twentieth century.2 NHL is a common hematologic malignance and ranked 8th as the most common malignancy.2 Male has 1.5 times likelihood than female from being diagnosed with NHL. From the early 1970ss, instances of NHL have increased by threefold for both male and female throughout many states beside United Kingdom.
In 2007, non-Hodgkin lymphoma ( NHL ) caused 4,533 deceases in United Kingdom. Males and females portion about similar figure of deceases but males has higher age standardized mortality rate. However, non all patients die from NHL as infections may be one of the causes. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma has 53 % overall 5-year relation endurance in an analysis3 conducted over 22 European states with age adjusted figures 48 % in work forces and 54 % in womean. In Scotland, the entire figure of diagnosed non-Hodgkin ‘s lymphoma instances from 1990-1994 were 1,598 for work forces and 1,708 in adult females. The per centum of age standardized survival rate for patients diagnosed after one twelvemonth and five old ages with 95 % assurance interval were 63.5 ( 61.1-66.1 ) and 41.0 ( 38.2-44.0 ) respectively.
NHL has no established cause factor and people diagnosed with NHL have no known hazard factors. However, NHL can be associated with chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritic arthritis, celiac disease, and Sjogren syndrome. Study by Lens and Newton-Bishop show association between NHL and cutaneal melanoma. Besides that, the hazard of developing NHL additions with chronic infection from viruses and bacteriums such as Epstein-Barr virus, human T-lymphotropic virus 1 ( HTLV-1 ) and human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) . There was a strong nexus between Burkitt lymphoma and Epstein-Barr virus6 while big T-cell lymphoma can be caused by HTLV-1.7 It has been noted that prevalence of NHL was higher in people with HIV infections compared to healthy adults.
One survey conducted by Stolte et al9 showed that there was association between Helicobacter pylori infection and mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue ( MALT ) lymphomas. It has besides been noted that primary gush lymphomas can be associated with human herpes virus while optic adenexal lymphomas can be associated with Chlamydia psittaci.10 Furthermore, grounds has shown association between splenic or big cell lymphomas and hepatitis C infections The hazard of developing NHL additions when a individual was immunocompromised such as undergoing organ transplant12 or patients with AIDS and autoimmune diseases. Certain chemotherapy drugs and radiation therapy may increase the hazard of developing NHL within 10 to 15 old ages after treatment. Solvents, pesticides and other chemical factors have besides been associated with causes of NHL.
In this instance, a male patient has been late diagnosed with NHL but the type of NHL and pathology were unconfirmed. Lymphoma can be divided into two types: indolent and aggressive. Faineant lymphomas such as follicular, fringy zone and lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma13 are normally accompanied by slow, come oning and painless peripheral lymphadenopathy. There might be history of patients with hypertrophied lymph nodes before regressing without diagnosing made. These self-generated arrested developments of lymph nodes may happen, forestalling biopsy diagnostic trial from being done and patient was treated for an false infection.
It is uncommon to see primary extranodal lymphoma or systemic symptoms happening at early phases but can be encountered as disease progresses. Examples of systemic B-symptoms are fever, weight loss, and dark workout suits. Indolent lymphoma can undergo histologic transmutation or alterations to a different, more aggressive normally large-cell lymphoma type. Indolent lymphomas are normally slow growth and it may react to intervention but backsliding tend to happen frequently.
Aggressive lymphomas such as diffuse big B-cell lymphoma are different from indolent with most patients showing with lymphadenopathy or engagement of extranodal sites. Common extranodal sites affliated are GI piece of land, tegument, bone marrow, fistulas, thyroid, or cardinal nervous system. It is usual to see presence of systemic B-symptoms in a 3rd of patients with aggressive lymphomas. Aggressive lymphomas are fast growth and are treatable than faineant lymphomas.14
NHL has been hard to name and acknowledging people that has high hazard of NHL is hard. Patient can merely be identified right after development of lymphadenopathy or other symptoms related to NHL. Even though with the promotion in imaging techniques, histology is compulsory to corroborate diagnosing of NHL type before come oning to intervention. It is common to utilize surgical biopsy either by incisional or excisional with latter being recommended to supply biopsy specimens to be reviewed by hematopathologists.
The structural visual aspect obtained with extra information from immunophenotype, genetic sciences and clinical characteristics were so used to sort NHL with definite clinical unit. These were the footing for World Health Organization ( WHO ) categorization of neoplastic diseases originating from haematopoietic and lymphoid tissues. Fine-needle aspiration or big bore-needle biopsies can besides be used to name NHL but was discourage for initial diagnosing due to difficulty in corroborating a specific diagnosis.
Histology and morphology of lymphoma mostly determined the intervention result and forecast. Due to different results of patients with lymphoma and restriction of clinical theatrical production, International Prognostic Index ( IPI )was developed from 2,031 patients with 5 independent, easy obtained clinical characteristics such as patient age, Ann Arbor phase, serum lactate dehydrogenase degree, figure of extranodal sites and public presentation position to foretell endurance.
The IPI served as a usher for clinical direction, clinical test design and reading. However, this IPI was designed for aggressive lymphoma. Therefore, the Follicular Lymphoma International Prognostic Index ( FLIPI ) was developed from 4,167 patients for faineant lymphoma with clinical characteristics such as patient ‘s age, Ann Arbor phase, haemoglobin degree, figure of nodal countries and serum lactacte dehydrogenase degree. Examples of nodal countries are cervical, para-aortic, inguinocrural, celiac and other accessory nodal sites. FLIPI can assist find significantly different mortality hazard of patients with faineant lymphomas and better determination on different aggressive therapy options that may profit certain patient groups.
Non-Hodgkin ‘s lymphoma can be treated by a scope of interventions available such as radiation therapy / radiation therapy, surgery, root cell graft, single-agent or combination chemotherapy, immunotherapy or radioimmunconjugate therapy. Treatments can dwell of one or a combination of the options available with different interventions holding different continuance and doses. In this instance scenario, the patient was late diagnosed with NHL. Due to the deficiency of information, NHL diagnosed can be assumed to be either faineant lymphoma or aggressive lymphoma. Bing 28 twelvemonth old, patient was eligible for more aggressive intervention compared to patients aged 60 and above.
Indolent Lymphoma
Indolent lymphomas such as follicular lymphoma and MALT lymphoma were non treated at early phases if there were no symptoms present with physicians following watch-and-wait attack. In a survey conducted by Division of Oncology, Stanford University Medical Center, 43 patients with follicular lymphoma phase I or present II were observed after postponement of radiation due to a assortment of grounds. After a median of 86 months of followup, 63 % had non been treated and endurance was about the same to the patients that has undergo radiation.
In this state of affairs, toxic side effects of interventions should be considered against the advantages of undergoing interventions. Patients with low class, phase I-II NHL lymphoma with localised disease can be treated either with surgery or radiation therapy. Radiation therapy as shown in a survey conducted by Stanford University can be used to handle limited phase, low grade lymphomas of 177 patients with good remittal rate.
Another survey conducted on 103 patients with phase I and II MALT lymphoma showed 77 % disease-free endurance rate with radiotherapy. Surgery can be done in state of affairss where low class MALT lymphoma is localized and there is a hazard of perforation but if the lymphoma progresses to a more beforehand phase, so surgery no longer show as first line treatment.
As lymphoma chiefly affects systemic system, surgery is usually used to set up diagnosing. Besides that, root cell graft can be used to handle NHL but was limited to younger patients and trouble in finding of the clip to handle patients. A survey on autologous root cell graft after high dosage therapy showed higher response rate compared to immunochemotherapy.
Chemotherapy options for faineant lymphomas ranged from single-agents such as cyclophosphamide, Leukeran or doxorubicin to combinations such as cyclophosphamide, Oncovin and Orasone ( CVP ) chemotherapy. More aggressive combination of chemotherapy that combines cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, Oncovin, and Orasone ( CHOP ) can besides be usage. In a survey conducted in 228 phase III or IV follicular lymphoma patients that were treated indiscriminately either with cyclophosphamide, a less toxic individual agent or combination of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, Oncovin, Orasone and bleomycin ( CHOP-B ) showed no initial advantage to combination intervention eventhough in an unplanned subgroup analysis showed improved disease control and survival.
Cyclophosphamide is a nitrogen mustard alkylating agent that acts by doing DNA harm and interfere with cell reproduction. Besides weariness, sickness, purging, bone marrow suppression and alopecia that were usually associated with anticancer intervention, prolonged usage of cyclophosphamide might ensue in badly affected gametogenesis. Chlorambucil has similar mechanism of action to cyclophosphamide with lesser side effects but development of widespread roseolas may occur.
Doxorubicin is a cytotoxic, anthracyclines antibiotic that Acts of the Apostless by intercalating Deoxyribonucleic acid. Common side effects are present with extra potency myocardiopathy and terrible tissue mortification due to extravasation when administrating doxorubicin. Vincristine is a vinca alkaloids and act by depolymerising microtubules and therefore inhibiting mitosis.
It may non hold important myelosuppression along with other common side effects but may do neurotoxicity and terrible tissue mortification due to extravasation. Prednisone is a prodrug that is converted in liver to prednisolone that has a marked antitumour consequence in NHL. However, it may do immunosuppression, adrenal suppression, temper and behavior alterations, gastro-intestinal effects with mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid side effects. Bleomycin is a cytotoxic antibiotic that is metabolized to bring forth superoxide and hydroxyl free groups which consequences in DNA harm. However it can do skin pigmentation and dose related pneumonic fibrosis.
In add-on to chemotherapy, immunotherapy is going a standard intervention for faineant lymphoma. Rituximab is a recombinant chimeral monoclonal antibody that targets protein CD20 which is chiefly found on the surface of malignant and normal human B cells involved with B-cell proliferation and distinction. It is said to bring on programmed cell death of CD20 cells.
Rituximab was by and large good tolerated when used compared to other conventional chemotherapy with distinguishable decrease of haemotological events like terrible neutropenia and associated infections. Studies28,29,30 conducted on the use of rituximab for late diagnosed follicular NHL as individual first line therapy showed good response rates around 52 % to 73 % and a 12-month patterned advance free endurance. Rituximab can be combined with chemotherapy such every bit CHOP as CHOP-R to handle faineant B-cell lymphoma.
The test of CHOP vs CHOP-R31 conducted in 1999 showed 95 % overall response rate for CHOP-R with 55 % accomplishing complete remittal and 40 % in partial remittal. Addition of cytokines such as interferon I±32, interleukin 233, and interleukin 1234 to rituximab therapy conducted in surveies shown that good efficaciousness profile can be obtained but farther surveies need to be conducted to corroborate. Interferon I± has antitumour curative consequence but is non side consequence free with extra myelosuppression, optic side effects, cardiovascular jobs, hypersensitivity on top of common antineoplastic side effects. Interferon-I± can be incorporated into chemotherapy as a new attack in handling NHL. Incorporation of interferon-I± into anthracycline-containing has been demonstrated to increase the remittal rate and remittal continuance. However the information has non been conclusive and farther information must be obtained before doing it as standard intervention. German Low Grade Lymphoma Study Group has been carry oning test with uninterrupted higher dose interferon care therapy output 45 % relapse-free patients.
Besides rituximab, Food Drug Administration in United States has approved two anti-CD20 radioimmunotherapy agents: I I 131 tositumomab36 and Y Y 90 ibritumomab tiuxetan37 for intervention of lymphoma. Both agents contain murine antibodies that target CD20 with I?-emitting radioisotopes but iodine I 131 tositumomab can besides breathe gamma radiation. Both still cause side effects although milder with important one being myelosuppression. University of Michigan conducted a stage II test where 76 patients were given intervention of I I 131 tositumomab as initial intervention for follicular lymphoma and resulted in 75 % of complete response and 95 % of overall response.38 Yttrium Y 90 ibritumomab tiuxetan has been shown to be effectual when used in consolidation therapy after rituximab39 or in relapsed/refractory B-cell NHL.40 Radioimmunotherapy was deemed better than radiation therapy due to bar of normal tissues from being exposed to radiation and systemic radiation can be achieved to cognize and unknown tumor cells.
There is another emerging scheme to counter low-grade NHL by administrating vaccinum to hike patients ‘ immune system which leads to tumour rejection by patient ‘s organic structure. Tests conducted showed promising consequences among relapsed patients following chemotherapy with drawn-out disease free patterned advance and overall endurance. This scheme has non been approved by FDA but individualized vaccinum therapy has been received positively in its effectivity as first line in countering slow progressing NHL. Vaccine therapy was deemed excessively slow for aggressive NHL but tests were ongoing to find its efficacy.
The direction of indolent NHL have to depend on considerations such as symptoms, age, comorbidities, extent of disease, anterior therapy and others. Most determinations on direction of indolent NHL depend on doctors seeking to optimise the intervention options to handle this chronic illness.
Aggressive Lymphoma
Aggressive NHL consist chiefly of diffuse big B cells demands about similar interventions to indolent lymphoma. As explained above, radiation therapy is one of the options available. The early intervention for early phase aggressive NHL was radiotherapy entirely with comparative remedy rates of 50 % for phase I and decreases to 20 % for phase II. Therefore, combination of radiation therapy and a chemotherapy regimen were used to better the opportunities of endurance for aggressive NHL patients. A survey conducted among 400 patients with localised immediate or high class NHL compared the consequences of one group having 8 rhythms of CHOP entirely and another having 3 rhythms of CHOP and radiation therapy.
The survey showed patients under combined CHOP and radiation therapy has statistically important overall endurance rate than patients having CHOP entirely. Dangerous side effects that were encountered by both groups were statistically important in comparing with fewer patients under combined CHOP and radiotherapy enduring from inauspicious effects. Therefore, combination of CHOP and radiation therapy are better for intervention of localised NHL compared to CHOP alone.
There was another alternate intervention available for patients with aggressive NHL called high-dose therapy with autologous root cell graft ( HDT & A ; ASCT ) . A figure of tests among intermediate and high hazard patients have been conducted to find its efficaciousness following initial chemotherapy but there were conflicting consequences ensuing in this intervention for non being first-line.
Combination therapy has been known to be better than individual therapy and used to increase the per centum of patients come ining complete remittal. In 1976 and 1980, CHOP regimen as explained above and COMLA regimen45 which includes cyclophosphamide, Oncovin, amethopterin with leucovorin deliverance, and cytarabine were published severally. Both regimens have been shown to show a possible remedy rate of about 30 % for patients with aggressive lymphoma accomplishing long-run remittal. In the resulting old ages, new 2nd and 3rd coevals of aggressive NHL regimens showed 55 % to 65 % patients being cured.
An illustration of 2nd regimen intervention was m-BACOD consisting of amethopterin, bleomycin, doxorubicin, cyclophosphasmide, Oncovin, and dexamethasone. Third coevals regimens were such as MACOP-B made up of amethopterin, doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, Oncovin, Orasone and bleomycin and ProMACE-CytaBOM compromising Orasone, amethopterin, cyclophosphamide, etoposide, cytarabine, bleomycin, Oncovin and methotrexate. The effectivity of all these regimens were non known as many of these surveies were conducted with comparatively little figure of patients until 1993, a test called national high precedence intergroup Phase III was held to make a comparing between CHOP, MACOP-B, ProMACE-CytaBOM and m-BACOD sing effectivity and side effects.
The four regimens demonstrate tantamount results but CHOP showed the lowest side effects. Based on this test, CHOP regimen became the criterion intervention for NHL in the United States. Another regimen called ACVBP consisting of doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, vindesine, bleomycin, and Orasone has been developed by Groupe d’Etude diethylstilbestrols Lymphomes de L’Adulte ( GELA ) in Europe which were compared in hapless hazard patients against CHOP and consequences favour ACVBP.
In another test, etoposide and CHOP termed CHOEP was shown to increase complete remittal rate and endurance rate in 18 to 60 year-old patient in a test that compared 3 hebdomad CHOP-21, 2 hebdomad CHOP-14 with CHOEP-21, CHOEP-14. CHOEP was recommended in the decision of this test if the patient is immature with good predictive characteristic of aggressive lymphoma. Etoposide is a man-made parallel to vinca alkaloids and binds to DNA and topoisomerase II composite in stage G2 to forestall DNA reproduction and causes strand to break. Etoposide is still associated with toxic effects such as alopecia, myelosuppression, sickness and vomiting.
Immunotherapy besides played a portion in intervention of aggressive lymphoma with rituximab as a individual agent. GELA has shown that the overall response of rituximab as a individual agent was 37 % with patients enduring from relapsed and stubborn diffuse big B-cell lymphoma. A randomized controlled test has been conducted by Mab Thera International Trial ( MInT ) Group to look into CHOP-like chemotherapy against CHOP-like chemotherapy with rituximab. The consequence showed that rituximab combined with cheomotherapy increased overall endurance and with no important addition in side effects. Rituximab and CHOP regimen is the most common chemotherapy regimen for diffuse big B-cell NHL. British Columbia Cancer Agency ( BCCA ) implemented a new policy on 1 March 2001 urging all patients freshly diagnosed with advanced phase spread big B-cell lymphoma to be treated with CHOP and rituximab based on groundss from tests conducted by GELA and MInT Group.
Treatment recommendation
As stated earlier, limited information was available for this instance scenario. Patient is merely known as 28 twelvemonth old male late diagnosed with NHL. An appropriate intervention that could be given as first line is CHOP regimen with add-on of rituximab ( CHOP-R ) based on groundss given above. CHOP-R has important better consequences compared to CHOP entirely and add-on of rituximab does non increase side effects. CHOP-R can besides be used for both indolent and aggressive lymphoma with positive results as stated above although asymptomatic faineant lymphoma may necessitate watch-and delay scheme.
However in footings of cost-effectiveness, CHOP-R is more expensive than CHOP entirely but CHOP-R is preferred due to its increased efficaciousness profile and similar side effects. In decision, CHOP-R can be given every 14 or 21 yearss with the class of intervention runing from 3 to 8 rhythms. CHOP-R rhythm started with the first twenty-four hours drug disposal dwelling of rituximab, cyclophosphamide, Oncovin and doxorubicin through injection into a vena or through trickle and Orasone was taken orally from twenty-four hours 1 to twenty-four hours 5.