Dubstep and Classical Musics

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Music is a perpetual and ever-changing entity that will endure forever. Today, I aim to draw comparisons between two music groups that possess hidden similarities. Despite their apparent differences, Dubstep and classical music share resemblances in the way we perceive them. Upon closer listening, one can detect these similarities within the music, unbeknownst to many. When encountering Dubstep, some may perceive it as a disparate amalgamation of electronic beats accompanied by bass additions, seemingly arranged randomly within the composition.

Classical music is often praised for conveying the collective emotion of the entire orchestra within its artwork. Despite being different genres, both classical and electronic music can be carefully listened to and reveal similarities. Skrillex, a renowned composer in the electronic genre, can be compared to Beethoven, a famous classical composer. These two composers share similarities in their compositions whereby lyrics do not play a significant role when listening to their music. The absence of lyrics in Beethoven’s music is attributed to the uncommon practice during his time.

Skrillex, who left his old band to start his own, aimed to gain recognition for his new band by creating innovative electronic music. This approach has contributed to the current popularity of his music. By reducing the use of lyrics in his songs, Skrillex allows listeners to fully appreciate the musical compositions he has produced. While Beethoven predominantly showcases his piano skills during live performances, Skrillex’s concerts primarily feature electrifying techno sounds. These massive shows can last for several hours. Nevertheless, if you were to convert Skrillex’s electronic sound into a piano rendition, it would possess a classical…

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Dubstep and Classical Musics. (2018, Feb 03). Retrieved from


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