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Essay Examples

Analysis of People’s Self Introduction In the Chinese Social Network Wechat


Self Introduction

Social Media

Words: 583 (3 pages)

WeChat as one of the most popular applications has become increasingly crucial in Chinese people’s daily lives, it offers a new platform where the public, private space be existing in a same parochial place, in the meantime the line between these social spheres becoming more and more blurred. As Boyd claimed in the book (2014),…

Why I Want to Be a Vet Tech

I Want To Be

Why I Want

Words: 571 (3 pages)

Choosing the career that I want to spend the rest of my life doing is something that was extremely difficult for me. It is hard to understand the concept of selecting what profession is just right for me, and what I may be interested in and want to pursue every day for the rest of…

A Personal Statement About Biology and Addressing the Coronavirus Outbreak


Goals In Life

Words: 683 (3 pages)

In the world of science, every question needs to get solved and every answer introduces new questions. I have chosen Biology, Chemistry and Math for my A level to quench my thirst for science. I was always curious why some people get severe symptoms from the diseases and even die, while others have no symptoms…

Why I Want to Be a Early Childhood Education Teacher?


I Want To Be


Why I Want

Words: 236 (1 page)

Most of my life I have been surrounded by childrenб especially my cousins, nieces and nephews. I have chosen to go into this field because I want to be one of those early childhood teachers that get young children ready for an important part of life. Having little cousins to watch grow up and see…

A Reflection of My Interest to Become a Nurse

Becoming A Nurse

I Want To Be

Words: 777 (4 pages)

When I immigrated to the United States with my parents at the age of fifteen, I often found myself in drained confidence and isolation due to the lack of friends and communication skills. It was difficult for me to mould my goals and aspiration in the beginning because of the loneliness, stress and fear. However,…

My Goal to Complete My Degree and to Centralize the Role of Information Systems in Business Organizations

Future Goals

Goals In Life

Words: 511 (3 pages)

Business organizations are set up to make as much profit as possible, while maintaining lowoperational costs and keeping up with competition. The dynamics involved call for a creative approach in order to remain profitable for the foreseeable future. It is for this reason that information systems arecurrently at the center of all ambitious organizations. My…

Man’s Quest for Self Introduction



Self Introduction

Words: 1343 (6 pages)

The progression of man’s decision to come together from his own immediate family and network of local tribes and establish a much larger social body has been a long-standing consideration within the realm of political philosophy. Thomas Hobbes, who wrote his magnum opus Leviathan during the time of the English Civil War, sought to discover…

Why I Want to Get a Good Education


My Goal

Words: 731 (3 pages)

When I was a little girl, I formed a group that is made up mostly of girls in my grade level. The name of the group would alter each week; some days we would call ourselves the Winx Club, other days the Bratz; it depended on what TV show I was fixed on during that…

A Scholarship Essay for the Global UGRAD Program


Future Goals

Words: 1222 (5 pages)

The Global UGRAD Program is for young leaders committed to serving their home communities. Why would you be a great participant in the Global UGRAD Program? The train started to move. My heart began to beat fast. I felt afraid, I do not know what I am facing moving from city to city, but all…

Why the NUS Aerospace Engineering Exchange Program Appeals to Me


I Want To Be

Words: 615 (3 pages)

I am a 2nd Aerospace student writing to motivate my application for the exchange program at the National University. The first time I flew to the Netherlands to study Aerospace Engineering was the first time I had sat in an aircraft or been outside North India. New experiences and new destinations also mean new challenges,…

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