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Essays on Corporate Social Responsibility Page 3

We found 49 free papers on Corporate Social Responsibility

Essay Examples

Nike Obligations and The Sweatshop Debate

Corporate Social Responsibility


Words: 1233 (5 pages)

The objective of this paper is to outline the legal, cultural, and ethical obstacles that the Nike Corporation encounters when conducting business globally. It will also discuss the roles of host governments and countries where Nike manufactures their products. Additionally, the author will summarize the strategic and operational challenges that Nike managers confront in the…

The Importance Of Csr In Procter And Gamble And Unilever Business

Corporate Social Responsibility



Words: 3019 (13 pages)

This study highlights the importance of CSR and present relevant profile of two elephantine Consumer based merchandise companies Procter & A ; Gamble and Unilever. Introduction: Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ) is a thought that has been introduced and used by concerns good over half a century, Corporate Social Responsibility is all about lending…

Intercontinental Group

Corporate Social Responsibility



Words: 1667 (7 pages)

The report examines the background of Intercontinental Hotels Group and its business model. It also investigates how the company uses strategic plans to compete in its markets, and the benefits it derives from having these plans throughout the entire process. In summary, Intercontinental Hotels Group is a worldwide company that specializes in the hospitality and…

Case Study-Memton Bank

Corporate Social Responsibility



Words: 1328 (6 pages)

1. Identify the steps taken by Menton Bank to develop a stronger customer orientation in its retail branches. 2. Compare and contrast the jobs of CAR and CSR. How important is each (a) to bank operations and (b) to customer satisfaction? 3. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of Karen Mitchell and other candidates for head…

Corporate Social Responsibilities Continued Commitment To Firms Business

Corporate Social Responsibility



Words: 1976 (8 pages)

“ Corporate Social Responsibility is the go oning committedness by concern to act ethically and lend to economic development, while bettering the quality of life of the work force and their households as of the local community at big ” ( Holme & A ; Watts 1999 ) . It signifies the go oning committedness…

Bp’s Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility

Words: 877 (4 pages)

How BP responded to the last oil spill Until recently, BP has been involved in many environmental, safety and political controversies, including the 1965 Sea Gem incident and the very recent 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. At first, BP had declared that estimating the oil flow was very difficult and even refused to allow scientists…

Issues faced in BHP billiton and infosys

Corporate Social Responsibility



Words: 3114 (13 pages)

BHP Billiton and Infosys, though both successful in their ain right, have emerged from different industrial sectors, and enormously contrasting geopolitical environments. BHP Billiton is the universe ‘s largest excavation administration, and was formed in 2001 by the meeting of the Australian Broken Hill Proprietary Company, and Billiton of the UK. The company ‘s primary…

Corporate social responsibility of the body shop

Corporate Social Responsibility


Words: 2403 (10 pages)

The Body Shop Corporation was founded by Dame Anita Roddick, opening its first store in Brighton, England in 1976. Thirty four years later, the company since then has reached out and established global presence, with retail outlets in over 50 countries.  The Body Shop has long been considered amongst the top fifty most ethical corporations…

The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility


Words: 934 (4 pages)

 Introduction In Archie B. Carroll’s article “The Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility: Toward the Moral Management of Organizational Stakeholders”, Carroll touches on the four key components of corporate social responsibility (CSR) within a pyramid called Pyramid of Corporate Social Responsibility. The article demonstrates how CSR would benefit the executives and their relationship with their shareholders…

Corporate Social Responsibility – an Articles of Two Authors

Corporate Social Responsibility

Milton Friedman

Words: 809 (4 pages)

Corporate social responsibility – Milton Friedman versus Charles Handy Corporate social responsibility has been a controversy topic for many economists. Some think that a corporate does not have any social responsibility while others believe a corporate does have some social responsibility as it exists in the society and is using the resources of the society….

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