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Essay Examples

A List of Countries with Colleges Providing Free Tuition



Should College be Free

Words: 868 (4 pages)

“Countries with Free or Nearly Free Tuition.” This is not necessarily an article. Rather, it is a listing of countries whose colleges provide free tuition. However, that is not necessarily all that it does. The information that it presents is listed in a chart- like format. The sections of the charts differentiate between whether or…

Arthur Andersen Case


Enron Scandal


Words: 2071 (9 pages)

1. What did Arthur Anderson contribute to the Enron disaster? Arthur Andersen (AA) contributed to the Enron disaster when AA consulting became its own separate entity, named Accenture. Revenues from consulting services surpassed revenue from auditing services. A natural competitiveness grew between the two rivals and this is where the problems began to start. Management…

Enron and Worldcom Case Study


Business Ethics


Words: 1190 (5 pages)

Enron and WorldCom Case Study This report is based on the demise of Enron Corporation and WorldCom. Both the firms are demised due to the ethical lapses. These ethical lapses come into existence when managements of the firm, uses unethical practices to accomplish the goals of the firm. Maintaining financial and accounting standards in the…

Advertisements and the Art of Fallacy: Manipulation in Modern Media




Words: 507 (3 pages)

Advertisements are carefully crafted messages designed to persuade audiences to adopt a specific viewpoint, be it purchasing a product or endorsing a particular idea. At times, advertisers employ logical fallacies – errors in reasoning that undermine the logic of an argument – either deliberately or inadvertently. While fallacies might boost the appeal of the advertisement,…

Importance Of Financial Information To Stakeholders Accounting



Words: 1672 (7 pages)

Fiscal information contain in one-year studies that the companies are published in sporadically. That period is identified as coverage period. Company obligates to supply fiscal information to their assorted stakeholders during the past coverage period. Annual study is a study the company describe their comprehensive minutess and events to print and supply for needed parties….

An Introduction What Happened to Kmart Corporation in 1997





Words: 690 (3 pages)

Kmart Corporation In 1997 Kmart Corporation was the second largest full-time discount retailer in North America with over 2,200 stores. But the company was struggling, with losing billions of dollars in sales. They were falling behind their top rivals Wal-mart and needed firm management and implement new plan that they could stick to it. They…

Case Study Analysis Tata-Corus

Corporate Finance



Financial markets


Mergers and acquisitions

Words: 2925 (12 pages)

On January 31st, 2007 India’s Tata Steel acquired Corus, the erstwhile British Steel Major at a price of 608 pence per Corus share totaling $12. 1 billion/ Rs 54,000 crore/ ? 6. 1 bn, which was five pence per share higher than the offer of Brazil’s CSN (Companhia Siderugica Nacional). The deal is the largest…

Surfer Dude Duds, Inc




Words: 1172 (5 pages)

Mark’s option is to include an explanatory paragraph about Surfer Dude Duds, Inc. ’s going concerns. SAS 59 requires an auditor to evaluate conditions or events discovered during the engagement that raise questions about the validity of the going-concern assumption. An auditor who concludes that substantial doubt exists about the entity’s ability to continue as…

What Happened at Arthur Anderson” and “Why?



Words: 456 (2 pages)

“What happened at Arthur Anderson” and “Why? ” Arthur Andersen, who used to be one of the “Big Five” largest accounting firms in the United States, strayed away from accepted policies and stuck in a string of accounting scandals, finally closed its doors after 90 years of business. The firm’s name was synonymous with trust,…

Dividend Irrevance Theory

Corporate Finance

Cost of capital


Financial markets




Words: 6869 (28 pages)

CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION The term dividend refers to that part of profits of a company which is distributed by the company among its shareholders. It is the reward of the shareholders for investments made by them in the shares of the company. The investors are interested in earning the maximum return on their investments and…

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