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Essay Examples

Planet Exists – Planet X



Words: 433 (2 pages)

The belief that a tenth planet exists that is Planet X has been around since 1841. Many astronomers such as Percival Lowell had searched for many years for this planet with no success. The reason as to why astronomers believe planet X exists is because it is believed that comets go on orbits around the…

The Bighorn rifle


Words: 1478 (6 pages)

“One rifle! One rifle capable of taking both large and smallgame would make my day.” How many times have you espoused thatfeeling? Quite often, I’ll bet. Many of us have fantasized abouthaving one rifle capable of serving most, if not all, our needs. It’s a great idea, because we could acclimate ourselves to onetrigger, one…

Korriphila Hsp 701 Auto Pistol



Words: 783 (4 pages)

Personal arms built without regard to cost are always veryinteresting. When an armorer is told that money is no object and tocreate the finest instrument of its kind, only his imagination holds himback. No two imaginations are likely to agree, and therefore suchachievements are always open to dispute, but it is a delight to discoveran…

Runway Incursion: Risk for Runway Incursion


Words: 1649 (7 pages)

United States National Airspace System (NAS) has forecasted that risk for runway incursion can kill hundred and thousand of people in just a single accident which is day by day growing even more. Luckily, a number of experts have studied for incursion problem as a result a lot of solutions have been devised that can…

Summary of His First Flight


Words: 309 (2 pages)

“To dominate the fear” is the central idea of this story. Flattery is a great Irish novelist, essayist, and short-story writer. He is a keen observer and interested in sea-life. He spent much time on sea-shore and studied the life of seagulls quite closely. Once a young seagull avgas standing alone on a rock in…

My Favourite Place in Flight


Words: 414 (2 pages)

As often as possible, I try to get a window seat when I’m traveling. Certainly anything beats the dreaded middle seat, and crawling over other people when you need to stretch your legs can be a pain, but that window seat has the best thing on board—a window. A recent article by Peter Ferry on…

Doris Lessing: Flight Sample


Words: 2907 (12 pages)

This usher should assist you to analyze “Flight”. It should be useful to pupils from all parts of the universe, though I have written it specifically to support pupils in England and Wales preparing for GCSE tests in English and English literature. It may also be helpful to the general reader who is interested in…

Mechanisms of locomotion of Flight in Birds



Words: 1765 (8 pages)

Mechanisms of locomotion of Flight in BirdsAbout 400 million years ago, the earth was populated by plants and tress; the air was moist, and the ground was covered with decaying leaves; and the insects began to appear (quoted in Fung 1990). Birds came on the scene later, about 150 million years ago; the wing of…

Global Aircraft Manufacturing and Assembly: Boeing vs Airbus

Airline Industry


Words: 1237 (5 pages)

In recent history, the global aircraft manufacturing and assembly has been controlled by two companies. The first of these companies, Boeing, was founded in 1916 in the Northwest United States and still survives today. Their direct competition, Airbus, was created in 1970 and by 1981, was controlled by France, Germany, Spain and Britain with support…

Creative Writing: Instant




Vietnam War

Words: 3356 (14 pages)

Creative Writing: Instant I’ll always remember Instant. That was the nickname the men had tacked ontothe muscled giant that wielded the M60 in my unit. “Instant” was short for”Instant Death.” And I’ll always remember the first time I saw Instant inaction. I was a new Lieutenant assigned to Vietnam. Back then, the Army didn’t try…

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