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Essays on Fruit Page 3

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Essay Examples

How Do Protease in Some Fruit Juices Help Softening Meat?



Words: 1247 (5 pages)

Hypothesis: The protease in some fresh juices digests collagen, which gives meat a tough texture by holding meat fibres together. Design of investigation: In order to test the hypothesis, the presence of protease in those fresh juices was tested at first. Then the amount of them was needed to be compared for finding their difference…

Chili Pepper Leaves and Orange Peelings as a Component

Air Pollution



Words: 913 (4 pages)

Through it, the insects killing agents is created commonly known as insecticide. However, the widespread and long term use of the product resulted in too many problems. Many are toxic to humans and others are concentrated in the air contamination. Thus, the researcher came up with an echo-friendly and safer insecticide extracted from Chili Pepper…

How to Prepare Ackee and Saltfish




Words: 558 (3 pages)

Jamaica’s national dish is the ackee and saltfish. Jamaicans say it is the traditional breakfast. Ackee and saltfish combined makes a delicious mouthwatering dish. Ackee is a fruit that grows on the ackee tree and looks like a fruit when it is still on the tree. The fruit is fully developed, mature, ripe and suitable…

Lakatan, Banana flesh extract as an antibacterial liniment



Words: 660 (3 pages)

Edible bananas originated in the Indo-Malaysian region reaching to northern Australia. They were known only by hearsay in the Mediterranean region in the 3rd Century B.C., and are believed to have been first carried to Europe in the 10th Century A.D. Early in the 16th Century, Portuguese mariners transported the plant from the West African…

Bananas, Chiquita, and Globalization



Words: 1512 (7 pages)

The globalization of bananas is an example of how transnational corporations, like Chiquita, Dole, and Del Monte, are connected to governments, international economic institutions, and non-government organizations. This phenomenon, although relatively new in theory, has historical roots. As of 2009, bananas have become textbook examples of tropical fruit commodities that are part of the globalization…

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