Holiday Essay Examples Page 41
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Essay Examples
Stylistic Analysis-Two Thanksgiving Gentleman by O. Henry
O. Henry is one of the most famous American short story writers. O. Henry’s real name was William Sydney Porter and he was born in Greensboro, North Carolina on September 11, 1862. O. Henry’s short stories are famous for their surprise endings and humor. O. Henry’s wrote such classic short stories as The Ransom of…
Traditional Filipino Serenade Sample
A harana is a traditional Filipino divertimento. The adult male is accompanied by his friends who back him up both vocally and psychologically. At first. the woman’s window is closed. The adult male calls out to her and if she’s interested. she’ll unfastened her window. The most celebrated Tagalog harana. one that you can still…
Dinagyang Festival
The Dinagyang is a religious and cultural festival in Iloilo City, Philippines held on the fourth Sunday of January, or right after the Sinulog In Cebu and the Ati-Atihan in Aklan. It is held both to honor the Santo Niño and to celebrate the arrival on Panay of Malay settlers and the subsequent selling of…
Mercutio: The Flamboyant Foil in ‘Romeo and Juliet’
Mercutio from “Romeo and Juliet” stands out among the illustrious cast of Shakespeare’s iconic characters with an irresistible charm. Mercutio is more than simply Romeo’s faithful buddy; his wit, cynicism, and energetic demeanor provide the love tragedy playing out in Verona complexity and contrast in addition to providing comedic relief. We learn more about Shakespeare’s…
Bacolod’s MassKara Festival
MassKara’s name is a fusion of the English word for ‘many people’ and cara, the Spanish word for face. It’s a perfect description of this Philippino fiesta, in which Bacolod’s 450,000-plus residents take to the streets wearing masks with radiant smiles. Unlike the country’s other major celebrations, such as Ati-Atihan, MassKara does not pay homage…
Physical Theatre Style By Steven Berkoff
Steven Berkoff is an English actor/director who trained at the Webber Douglas school of dramatic arts and the Ecole Jacques Lecoq, in which he trained in the art of physical theatre and mime. Berkoff is well known for his in your face dramatic styles that causes the audience to react. People describe this style as…
Online vs. Traditional Classroom Learning Compare and Contrast
The latest trend in the twenty first century in education is the online degree program. According to, “Nearly 3.2 million students were taking at least one online course during the fall 2005 term, a substantial increase over the 2.3 million reported the previous year.” Pioneers such as University of Phoenix are now reaping…
The four legal traditions
Essays Database
Abstract There are four main legal traditions in the world. They include Common, civil, socialist, and Islamic legal tradition. These legal traditions originated from different countries long time ago and they all had a common goal; to serve as a method of social control. This paper observes the history of these legal traditions and proves…
Valenzuela City: Festivals and Fairs
-The Santa Cruzan was a novena procession commemorating St. Helena’s mythical finding of the cross. St. Helena was the mother of Constantine the Great. According to legends, 300 years after the death of Christ, at the age of 75, she went to Calvary to conduct a search for the Cross. After some archeological diggings at…
Literary Analysis of the Surrounded
Cultural Assimilation
United States
One of the first Native American novelists, D’Arcy McNickle is also regarded as one of the best. His realistic fiction depicts the hard lives of rural Americans on reservations, farms, and ranches during the Great depression of the 1930s. His sensitive stories detailing the consequences of Euro-American ethnocentrism neither romanticize nor demonize Native Americans. Although…