Immanuel Kant Page 2
We found 17 free papers on Immanuel Kant
Essay Examples
The ethical systems of Kant and Mill: A comparison and contrast Ricardo Renta
Immanuel Kant
The question of how happiness influences the morality of an action is examined within the ethical perspectives put forth by John Mill and Immanuel Kant. These philosophers have differing views on reason and the importance of happiness in making ethical choices. This essay will delve into the theories of Kant and Mill, identifying weaknesses in…
Moral Dilemma in the Workplace Research Paper
Immanuel Kant
This essay focuses on a dilemma that I have faced in the workplace. Firstly, I will describe the dilemma and then present how I used ethical theory to analyse the actions that I took to best resolve the situation. Deontological theories are used in my analysis. Applying Kantian theory to my actions supports that my…
Nestle Marketing Tactics
Categorical imperative
Immanuel Kant
Introduction to the Nestle Baby Formula Controversy: Nestle is a highly decentralized multinational company which has its presence in multiple countries. The company itself however is a Swiss-based company. In 1970’s however the company underwent a boycott for its products when it marketed baby formula products to the people of Africa. The controversy surrounded round…
Church And State
Immanuel Kant
When I try to believe of solutions to universe jobs in my head I end up with a concern, in an absolute province of confusion, which brings me right back to the same job I started out with. It is like a confusing arithmetic job that I don? t rather understand but all many possible…
The Bush Doctrine: An Unethical Agenda in Theory and Practice
Immanuel Kant
The “Bush Doctrine” represents the foreign policy principles of the United States federal government under the administration of President George W. Bush. Although the phrase was never explicitly referred to or defined as a cohesive plan, political scientists coined the Bush Doctrine in order to package these principles into the agenda of the Bush administration….
Kantian Ethics Violations Relative to the Invasion of Iraq
Categorical imperative
Immanuel Kant
Introduction The roadmap and central concern of this brief exposition is to take a stand relative to the ethical implications ensuing from the invasion of Iraq, using the first categorical imperative of the learned philosopher Immanuel Kant. Since its inception, the invasion of Iraq has had a share of criticisms from all fronts. And…
Donation and Transplantation of Organs
Immanuel Kant
Organ Donation
From the beginning of the transplantation of organs, the procedure has always raised ethical issues. One of the primary reasons is the consistent high demand for organs and how there is never enough for individuals who are in need. Most organ donations are from deceased donors, but the predicament is that there is only about…