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Essay Examples

Cornell Admissions




Words: 548 (3 pages)

I am interested in pursuing the course International Agriculture and Rural Development Major and International Studies Minor for CALS Undergraduates. My interest in this course is a result of an awareness of how the world needs people who will step up and be willing to contribute to affect change in the environment. My attention is…

The Fastest Spreading Bombshell on the Internet

Computer network

Computer networking

Computer Science


Information Technology


Words: 3491 (14 pages)

What is a computer virus? Of primary concern is as to what a computer virus is. A virus is a computer program that by your help or by attaching itself to some other program is able to move from one computer to another. Typically these programs are often malicious rather than beneficial even if they…

Internet Censorship



Words: 885 (4 pages)

Since the debut of the World Wide Web in 1989 by Tim Burners-Lee, many different arguments have arisen over assorted facets of the Internet. That is expected since there are so many different types of information available on the Web runing from poesy to games to intelligence to even pornography. Some argue that non all…

Pizza Store Online Ordering System




Words: 3496 (14 pages)

A Pizza store is an establishment wherein pizza – an oven-baked, flat, round bread typically topped with a tomato sauce, cheese and various toppings is made and sold. Pizza stores become emerging fast food in urban area, just by hearing the word “pizza” brings a smile to the face of just about every Filipino. Whatever…

Should the net be censored


Civil rights and liberties

Freedom of Expression

Freedom of Speech


Words: 662 (3 pages)

The debate over internet censorship is fiercely debated globally, not just in the United States. The question of who should bear responsibility for this censorship, governments or parents, is a crucial aspect to consider. Some argue that censoring the Internet violates the First Amendment’s right to free speech, while others believe it is necessary to…

I am writing assignment

Balanced Scorecard



Words: 2396 (10 pages)

The term Balanced Scorecard was authored by Art Schneider in 1987, and was initially advanced as an exhibition estimation framework in 1992 by Dry. Robert Kaplan and Dry. David Norton at Harvard Business School. The scorecard gives an endeavor perspective of an organization’s generally speaking exhibition by joining money related measures with other key exhibition…

Writing Assignment Procedural Message

Computer Science

Information Technology


Words: 416 (2 pages)

Outside its headquarters, there are two large production facilities? one in Nebraska and one in Oklahoma. Furthermore, Yielder employs sales force personnel in every state in the U. S. To serve its customers locally. The company has three servers located at its headquarters?Active Directory Server, Linux application server, and an Oracle database server. The application…

The Role of Internet in Education



Words: 2229 (9 pages)

During a visit to India in March President Clinton watched a woman enter a village health centre, call up a web page on the computer, and get information on how to care for her baby. It is possible that this baby will have better health because of the availability of information on the internet. However,…

Absolute and Relative Links

Information Technology


World Wide Web

Words: 406 (2 pages)

Absolute and Relative Links When designing a website there are two ways for an image or file to be linked to the page. This is done be using an absolute link or a relative link. Both kinds of links must be contained within an a href attribute; however, there are some differences between two that…

Internet Censorship Research Paper



Words: 3747 (15 pages)

There is a turning argument about baning the cyberspace. Some people think that the cyberspace is protected under the first ammendment and can non be censored. Others think that some of the stuff that is on the net demands to be filtered and regulated. The word censoring is defined as analyzing any stuff and forbiding…

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