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Essay Examples

Response to Salvation Analysis


Langston Hughes


Words: 403 (2 pages)

Langston Hughes recounts his loss of faith in religion as a young boy in his piece “Salvation.” When he was around twelve years old, Hughes went to church with his aunt, hoping to find Jesus and experience a transformative moment. During the church service, Hughes and the other children were seated at the front while…

The True Humanity of Jesus: Fascinating Bible Facts


Words: 513 (3 pages)

In the book Fascinating Bible Facts by David M. Howard Jr. , Ph. D. and Gary M. Burge, Ph. D. Jesus is described and seen by the authors in many ways. However I find the most prominent to be Jesus as a Human or a Brother. The authors attempt to show Jesus as a Human…

Jesus and Muhammad and Their Influence on the World


Words: 1707 (7 pages)

INTRODUCTION             Understanding two great figures that have influenced religions around the world is a task that requires thorough seeking of knowledge and data. In today’s world where there are so many sprouting religions, it is quite advisable to get a deeper look and a further analysis on the lives of two influential personalities of…

Conversation between Jesus and Buddha


Words: 1874 (8 pages)

Brief Introduction about the chapter             In this chapter, the authors’ Brennan Hill, Paul F. Knitter, and William Madges presented an interesting dialogue between Jesus and Buddha, about the social issues surrounding their respective era as well as the religious differences and similarities between Christianity and Buddhism. According to Hill, Knitter, and Madges, Buddha had…

The Messianic Promise


Old Testament


Words: 3604 (15 pages)

 II. AbstractThis work contains an explanation as to what the word Messiah means, what it implies, an overview of the prophecies given by the prophets, a summary of the prophesies given, as well as their relevance to emergence of  Jesus the Messiah. This work also contains a comparative analogy between  the  teachings of Christ and…

The Gospel Accounts of the Life of Jesus



Words: 970 (4 pages)

            The New Testament of the Bible contains four accounts of Jesus’s life.  Each of these four accounts were written by different people.  Therefore, it is only natural that these accounts would contain some slight differences from each other.  Not everyone hears or remembers an event the same way, even among people who all heard…

Miracles: Possible or Not?




Words: 1623 (7 pages)

            People use the word ‘miracle’ in many instances. We may have heard an elderly talking about everyday miracles, or heard an actor from a movie say to his leading lady that “she is his miracle”. There are even “miracle” drugs and products that promise to heal even the most ill-fated patients. This paper will…

Comparing Socrates and Jesus



Words: 1421 (6 pages)

Socrates Socrates, a Greek philosopher, believed in virtue and that there was a right way for men to act. He spent his life seeking knowledge of what is right through dialogue (conversation between two or more persons) to arrive at truth. His ideas and methods had a lasting influence on Western philosophy, especially his concern…

The Use of History and Fantasy in The Passion by Jeanette Winterson





Words: 1768 (8 pages)

The idea of history and fantasy play a huge role in The Passion. Jeanette Winterson uses these two different genres to create this story. Patrick’s eye, Villanelle’s webbed feet, and Villanelle’s ‘stolen heart’ are some examples of the elements of fantasy seen in The Passion. Another book that deals with fantasy and reality is the…

Blasphemy in The Pardoner’s Prologue and Tale Analysis




Words: 1182 (5 pages)

The Pardoner, in Chaucer’s Prologue and Tale, is a dishonest character who shares a story involving three individuals who have sinned. The Pardoner’s Tale, along with the three men in the story, portrays blasphemy in both the tale’s structure and the characters themselves. This theme of blasphemy is prevalent throughout The Canterbury Tales, particularly in…

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