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Essay Examples

Life Lessons with Morrie Shwartz



Words: 439 (2 pages)

ALS, otherwise known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, changed the life of college professor Morrie Shwartz drastically. Upon being diagnosed with the disease, Morrie gave up his favorite activities like dancing due to his complete paralysis. Although one may think such an old man would leave no mark on the world, this was untrue when it…

Angela and Assata: Black Radicals

Black Power Movement


Words: 1354 (6 pages)

“Radical simply means ‘grasping things at the root’.” – Angela Davis Assata Shakur and Angela Davis are two women that were very monumental in the Civil Rights Movement. These women fought and worked beside the men of the Black Panthers and other organizations to make a change. Angela Davis is best known for her radical…

My Greatest Achievement in Life


Life Changing Experience

Words: 644 (3 pages)

I would like to take this additional portion to provide some words of inspiration and encouragement by informing you of an event that occurred in my life. This event changed me for the better and lead me to conform to my current thoughts and actions around the principles and wisdom that I gained that day….

The Life Goals of Harriet Tubman and Your Runaway


Life Goals

Words: 976 (4 pages)

Harriet Tubman was a runaway slave from Maryland who became known as the “Moses of her people”. Over the course of ten years, and at a great personal risk, she led hundreds of slaves to freedom along the Underground Railroad. She later became a leader in the abolitionist movement, and during the Civil War she…

Aim in life as a fashion designer Compare and Contrast



Words: 573 (3 pages)

Introduction The career in which I am most interested in the textile industry is that of the fashion designer. A fashion designer is the person who comes up with the ideas and designs today, for the clothes that we, the consumers, will be wearing tomorrow. This alone, the power to inspire the world of fashion…

Irony In The Story Of An Hour Analysis





The Story of an Hour

Words: 629 (3 pages)

In The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin we observe many instances of irony. Irony is the use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning. In this story there are three different types of irony used, they are: situational, dramatic and verbal. Situational irony is used to…

Adolescents and Alcohol Essay





Teenage Drinking

Words: 832 (4 pages)

Adolescents want to try new things and seek new risks to create their own identity. Adolescents differ from adults because they consume an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period and are less likely to report withdrawal symptoms. Adolescents perceive that alcohol and substance use is “normal” because many people engage in them. The…

Setting My Three Personal Life Goals


Life Goals

Words: 406 (2 pages)

Goal setting is vital for providing direction and motivation, boosting confidence, and encouraging us to take on more challenging tasks. Continually reminding ourselves of our goals strengthens our commitment to putting in the necessary effort to achieve them. I strongly believe that goal setting is crucial for success in life as it has been instrumental…

An Overview of the Key Elements to Goal Setting


Goal setting


Words: 550 (3 pages)

Too many of us treat goal setting the same way. We dream about what we want to do, but we don’t have a plan to carry out that dream. A mapped out goal is superior to a dream. You must have a plan. Dreams are merely thoughts or ideas, but, we need more than to…

Stop All Forms Of Violence: In Romantic Relationship





Violence against women


Words: 1515 (7 pages)

Violence against women and girls still exist no matter the age, race, or class. Women everywhere are still suffering against physical, sexual, psychological, and economic aggression from men. Violence amongst women and girls are established in gender-based discrimination as well as social norms and gender stereotypes that supports and prolongs violence. The traumatic effect that…

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