Middle East
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Essay Examples
Modernization of the Middle East
Middle East
During the late 19th century and the early 20th century, Islam in the Middle East was introduced to its greatest threat yet; modernization. Conflicts within the muslim community and the rapid development of the surrounding world, has left the muslim society in the dust. The technological/scientifically dominant Ottoman empire went through expiration and was left…
The Need for Peace in the Middle East
Middle East
The Need For Peace in the Middle East The quest for peace in the Middle East has been going on for decades. It all started in 1948 when Israel declared its independence and fought Arab nations to secure it. However, the Arabs were left unsatisfied while the Israelis wanted more control over land. In 1967,…
Middle East Paper
Middle East
The conflict between the Palestinians and the Israelis erupted afterthe partition made by Great Britain on November 29, 1947. Immediatelyafter the decision to make Israel a separate, independent state, therewere massive attacks on both sides. Upon reading the first set ofarticles, I felt that the Palestine’s unnecessarily attacked the Jewsand that they deserved the land…
The Dynasty of Akkad in the 22nd and 23rd Centuries BC
Middle East
Sargon of akkad was a semitic akkadian emperor famous for his conquest of the Sumerian city in the 22nd and 23rd centuries BC; The founder of the dynasty of Akkad. The Akkadians, was group of people who lived, also in Mesopotamia, also had conquered the Sumerians. They spoke a Semitic language similar to the modern…
Foreign Policies Affect On Middle East
Middle East
Foreign policy making in the Middle East It is frequently claimed that foreign policy making in Middle East states is either the idiosyncratic product of personalistic dictators or the irrational outcome of domestic instability (Aarts, 911—25). In fact, it can only be adequately understood by analysis of the multiple factors common to all states, namely:…
Middle Eastern Wedding Traditions
Middle East
Across the Middle East, ancient civilizations have maintained wedding customs for generations, honoring various traditions among different groups of people. Yet, there is a shared cultural essence that unites the region. One prevalent tradition in numerous areas of the Middle East involves hosting an engagement party as part of a series of five celebratory events…
The Camp David Accord
International Relations
Middle East
In 1978, President Jimmy Carter invited President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Prime Minister Menachem Begin of Israel to a meeting at Camp David in Maryland’s Catoctin Mountains. The purpose of this meeting was to address the thirty-year war between Egypt and Israel, which centered around the West Bank of the Jordan River and the…
Hazrat Umar the Great
Middle East
The envoy of the Roman Emperor set out for Medina attended by a large retinue (attendees) andequipped with all the pomp (display) and pageantry (show) which the Roman Empire could boast(show off) of. On arrival in the metropolis of Islam, he enquired of a passer-by; “Tell me please,where is the palace of the Caliph. ”?…
Mahmoud Darwish as a Poet
Middle East
The national poets Mahmoud Darwish, has written mostly in the English language, his writing examples of the rich body of texts conceptualizing Palestine and exile. He constitutes a treasure trove in terms of convenience and information, the sophistication of this literature is not a style of expression that is overall typical of the Palestinian experience….
Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates comparison
Middle East
(657-750CE) Umayyad clan starts as a foe to Muhammad. They are defeated at Mecca by Muhammad’s forces but are embraced by Muhammad and become a powerful Muslim clan that will lead the faith after Muhammad. After the first three caliphs, The followers of Ali will split away from the faith and form the Shiites (who…
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