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Essay Examples

Harriet Tubman and Dorothea Dix: A Legacy Remembered by Society


Civil Rights

Harriet Tubman


Words: 817 (4 pages)

According to Robert F. Kennedy,” Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.” He is attempting to say not all of us can have the…

Nationalism Rallied People Across The Country




United States

Words: 841 (4 pages)

In the early 1800’s the North was starting to industrialize and the South would start relying on agriculture and race-based slavery. After the War of 1812 a rising sense of nationalism pulled people together throughout the country. Nationalism was a sense of pride and loyalty to your country. As the two halves of the nation…

The Struggles and Triumphs of Harriet Tubman


Civil Rights

Harriet Tubman


Words: 940 (4 pages)

Harriet Tubman was born into slavery in Dorchester County on the Eastern shore of Maryland, on the plantation of Edward Brodas. Her birth name was Araminta, and she was called Minty until she changed her name to Harriet in her early teen years. The reason why she changed her name was because she wanted to…

Living in a Second Gilded Age in America

Gilded Age


Words: 718 (3 pages)

Yes. America is in a second gilded age. The phrase “Gilded Age” was coined by Mark Twain, effectively summarizing America’s state in the late 19 century; the façade of a land of opportunity, but really a land of inopportunity. While America was indeed a land of opportunity, rapid economic growth, and class mobility, the people…

Oppressive Societies in Literature: Short Essays on The Hate U Give and Children of Blood and Bone



The Hate U Give

Words: 837 (4 pages)

Children of Blood and Bone (2018) is a young adult novel by Tomi Adeyemi, a Nigerian American author. It is the first book in a trilogy and follows Zelie Adebola’s journey to restore magic in the Kingdom of Orisha, where her people have been oppressed. Determined to set her people free, Zelie uses various symbols…

Machiavelli’s View on Morals and Politics in “The Prince”




Words: 4265 (18 pages)

Machiavelli’s masterpiece The Prince is one of the most polemical texts on political theory. Since its publication in 1532 there has been widespread debate among political theorists about his political morality. Today the term ‘Machiavellian’ used in everyday speech and has extremely negative connotations; a person so described is deemed as ‘cunning, scheming and unscrupulous’….

Modern America through the lens of immigration

Immigration Issues


Words: 1153 (5 pages)

INTRODUCTION America is only America because of immigration. America wouldn’t be what it is today without immigration. Even the people that were here first which were the natives were immigrants. They came here from Asia. Anybody else that lives here in america is an immigrant or are somehow connected to one. Every person in America…

Fahrenheit 9/11 – A Close Look at the Presidency of George W. Bush




Words: 1584 (7 pages)

Fahrenheit 9/11 is a film and a documentary that was made by a political commentator who is also a director and a film maker in USA in the year 2004. The documentary film covers the presidential period of George W. Bush, the war on terror and how all this is covered in the media as…

The Resemblance of the Rogerian Argument in The Letter from Birmingham Jail by Martin Luther King, Jr.



Rogerian Argument

Words: 565 (3 pages)

Martin Luther King Jr. utilizes persuasive language in his Letter from Birmingham Jail to address the opposition while employing a form similar to the Rogerian Argument. This strategy is aimed at combating human oppression. King effectively rebuts the clergymen’s letter by clearly stating the issue, restating the opponents’ viewpoint and acknowledging its merits, summarizing his…

Theory of Social Identity and Party Affiliation

American Identity



Words: 1641 (7 pages)

There are numerous examples of mass number of the electorate leaving one party and opting for another. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center found that in 2015 almost 25% of young Americans who branded themselves Republican or conservative leaning abandoned their party for the Democrats (Jukam, 2017). Party attachment is a concept that…

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