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Essay Examples

ACA and Obamacare Essay

Affordable Care Act


Words: 801 (4 pages)

It’s hard to remember back to nine or ten years ago. At that time, Healthcare was something that wasn’t available to about 50 million Americans (Berwick, 2017). Back then, the question was Did you have healthcare? That all changed in 2010 with one signature by President Barack Obama. The question went DID you have to…

Third President of the United States of America

Thomas Jefferson

Words: 551 (3 pages)

Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) was the third president of the United States and a creator of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was a philosopher, politician, scientist, architect, inventor, musician, and writer. Thomas Jefferson was also one of the smartest leaders in history. His father was named Peter Jefferson, a very rich Farmer from Virginia. Thomas’s…

The Case of Atong Paglaum




Words: 2814 (12 pages)

Approximately 280 groups registered with the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to participate in the May 13, 2013 party-list elections. However, Comelec disqualified 52 groups for not representing the “marginalized and underrepresented sector,” or for failing to prove their nominees belong to the sectoral group they aim to represent, or for lacking a track record as…

A Negative Edge To Political Advertisingelections







Words: 1637 (7 pages)

The purpose of the study is to focus on negative political advertisements and their effect on voter turnout. I will use an experimental design that manipulates the manner of television advertising while keeping many of the other aspects of the advertisement constant. To successfully execute this research, I will study people, the subjects during an…

Racism Blamed in Shock Wave of Church Burnings

Bill Clinton


Words: 616 (3 pages)

The South is Burning: A Rash of Torching at Black Churches Has Resurrected the Ugly Specter of Racism, chimed in the Toronto Star. Newsweek warned of Terror in the Night Down South, While USA Today reported that Arson at Black Churches Echoes Bigotry of Past.(Fumento 1) In the summer of 1996, the U.S. media widely…

Ronald Reagan – Republican Candidate for Governor

Ronald Reagan

Words: 1667 (7 pages)

In 1 996, Reagan ran as republican candidate for governor of California, and won the election. With his first run in politics it gave him his ticket to become a major influence for the nation. Reggae’s biggest problem on his path to presidency was the concern about his age. His age did not stop him…

The War of 1812: Was the War of 1812 Justified? Sample

James Madison


Words: 1044 (5 pages)

For America. the War of 1812 was justified. Clearly there were sufficient grounds for America to declare war with Great Britain. Time after clip the British violated American rights and freedoms. Acts such as impressments. the onslaught on the USS Chesapeake. the misdemeanor of American impersonal rights and Waterss. encirclements on U. S. ports. and…

Volunteerism Research Paper The path to

George Washington


Words: 431 (2 pages)

Volunteerism Essay, Research Paper The way to loyal saving is better enderstood be definig two cardinal words. Volunteerism is the policy or prtaice of volunteering one ’ s ain clip or services, as for charitable or community work. Patriosm is of or like a nationalist, or a individual who loves, supports autonomic nervous systems defends…

Issue of School Uniforms Is Not so Important

Bill Clinton

School Uniforms

Words: 528 (3 pages)

Until President Clinton brought attention to the issue in his State of the Union address, mandatory public school uniform policies were sporadic local occurrences. Some school districts had quietly been experimenting with uniforms for years, but President Clinton became interested after the Long Beach, California school district released data suggesting that its mandatory uniform policy…

DBQ Jeffersonian vs. Federalists


James Madison

Words: 1223 (5 pages)

DBQ During the time period of 1801 to 1817, there were multiple issues in the United States ranging from wars to political boundaries. This time period saw the termination of the Federalist party. The conflicts were between two parties called the Jeffersonian Republicans and the Federalists. The Federalist party was officially started by John Adams….

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