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Essay Examples

First inauguration of Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

Words: 606 (3 pages)

Regarded by many historians as the greatest president ever t stand at America’s helm. This reputation is extremely wel deserved, as Lincoln was able to preserve the Union an gain victory in the civil war, despite his fighting an uphil battle against his own presidential cabinet. Had he not bee struggling against this divided government,…

How to Write a Good Argumentative Essay

Al Gore

Critical Thinking Skills




Words: 380 (2 pages)

Turn each of the following statements into an arguable claim—i.e., a point that is debatable and shows (or implies) your analysis of or opinion about the topic of your essay or a particular paragraph. To be an effective thesis statement, the claim must be narrow enough to allow you to fully support it within the…

Known For His Assassination Of John F. Kennedy



John F Kennedy


Words: 2104 (9 pages)

He was our youngest president that radiated this new hope for America. His assassination shook the nation, his killer was soon brought in identified as Lee Harvey Oswald. Less than 48 hours later he was killed, leaving us with unanswered questions. Even with evidence, numerous witnesses, you’d think the case would be solved without a…

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions

James Madison


Words: 661 (3 pages)

The sparked great controversy throughout the United States during 1798 and 1799. The resolutions were manifestos that protested against the Federalist Alien and Sedition Acts. The authors of the resolutions remained anonymous, but were written by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson, who were upset with how the Federalists were ruling the nation. These two republicans…

Term paper on “crime against nature” by robert F. Kennedy Jr.


John F Kennedy

Words: 2399 (10 pages)

In Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Crime Against Nature, he points out all of the significant ways in which George W. Bush has corrupted environmental law policy.  He identifies Bush as the core cause for many major environmental downfalls which America has recently endured during his administration.  When the facts are presented, Kennedy sheds light on…

Geoge Washington Carver and Booker T Washington Research

Booker T Washington

George Washington

Words: 2041 (9 pages)

Introduction: Blacks vs Higher Education Slavery and discrimination against Black people were ingrained within society in America’s past. higher education institutions in America were no different, as there is a has a strong connection between universities in America and the slave trade. Two of the oldest and most renown institutions in America today, Harvard University…

Donald Trump versus Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler

Donald Trump


Words: 1245 (5 pages)

October 15, 2018  Godwin’s Law states “As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.” I will not trivialize Hitler in this essay, he was objectively one of the evilest people that has ever lived. Hitler among many other things was the mastermind behind mass genocide and used…

Lincoln Douglas debates

Abraham Lincoln

Words: 586 (3 pages)

The Lincoln-Douglas debates were a series of seven debates between Republican Abraham Lincoln and Democratic Senator Stephen A. Douglas during the 1858 Illinois senatorial campaign. For both men, it was an opportunity not just to win the senatorial campaign through oratory skill, but also an opportunity to establish a home base should either run for…

James Madison Composed The Bill Of Rights

Bill of Rights

Human Rights

James Madison

Words: 1321 (6 pages)

The American Revolution sparked a new era of change in America. America was viewed as a “rising empire” by its people (Foner 258). Americans desired freedom and economic prosperity, but the reality was far from these goals. It was a struggle for independence within America and led to great conflict over how to govern the…

American Presidents Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln

Words: 2384 (10 pages)

Abraham Lincoln Introduction Abraham Lincoln remained the most cherished of American Presidents due to his political philosophy and practical contributions toward the American political and social system. Lincoln who is considered as one the ablest president of United States of America belonged to a poor white family of Kentucky. He was born in 1809. His…

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