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Essays on Psychological theories

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Essay Examples

Case study ob eric/ kipsy


Job Satisfaction



Organizational Behavior

Psychological theories

Words: 2527 (11 pages)

Eric and Kipsy’s case study helps to demonstrate the complex nature of management and organizational behavior. The case also shows the difficulty in identifying a single solution to a particular problem. Eric is the new manager of product information for a national firm which wholesales electrical components and Kipsy is a clerk. Eric is appointed…

McClelland’s Needs and Mine


Organizational Behavior

Psychological theories


Scientific method

Words: 370 (2 pages)

The three need theory of David McClelland tries to explain why people behave the way they do. The theory basically says that individual’s are motivated to work because they have to satisfy their needs for achievement, affiliation and power (Bateman & Snell, 2007). Applying this theory to myself, I found that as a person I…

Analysis of Cavemen in the Hedges

Clinical Psychology



Psychoanalytic Theory

Psychological theories

Words: 1144 (5 pages)

The Cavemen in the Hedges” is a short story that explores various themes of psychoanalytical theory. The story delves into the concepts of the “id,” which represents one’s primal and selfish desires, the “superego,” which is concerned with morals and ideals, and the “ego,” which attempts to balance both id and superego natures. These themes…

Autonomy and competence


Clinical Psychology

Juvenile delinquency


Psychological theories


Words: 708 (3 pages)

            A popular concern of parents over their children’s safety has been the rising number of gang membership in most cities in the country as well as the large number of violence-related behaviors of these gangs. Previous studies on gang violence had focused on the crimes committed by gangs, what caused gang violence and the…

Application of Cognitive, Skill-Based and Affective Theories



Educational psychology



Psychological theories

Words: 312 (2 pages)

Kraiger, K., Ford, J.K., and Salas, E. Application of cognitive, skill-based, and affective theories of learning outcomes to new methods of training evaluation. Journal of Applied Psychology 78 (1993), pp. 311–328. The topic addressed by this article is training evaluation. At the moment, measurement of training success relies on two basic concepts: whether training objectives…

Sigmund Freud and Universal Neurosis


Clinical Psychology



Psychological theories

Sigmund Freud

Theory of Mind

Words: 1437 (6 pages)

Sigmund Freud defined the goal of psychoanalysis to be to replace unconscious with conscious awareness, where the ‘id was ego shall be,’ and through this an individual would achieve self-control and reasonable satisfaction of instincts. His fundamental ideas include psychic determinism, the power and influence of the unconscious, as opposed to the pre-conscious mind, the…

Counselling Theories Assignment


Classical Conditioning


Psychological theories

Theory of Mind

Words: 1215 (5 pages)

Briefly explain how the concept of stimulus and response applies to Steven. The concept of the Stimulus – Response Theory describes an external neutral signal /event (stimulus) (to unconditionally and automatically trigger (a behavior or reflex. (Response). The theory explains how individuals learn new behaviors by experiencing pleasurable( outcomes and not responding to external stimuli…

Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motovation

Behavior Modification



Organizational Behavior

Psychological theories


Words: 446 (2 pages)

Herzberg and his colleagues divided work into two factors that they called motivating factors and hygiene factors. Motivating factors included items such as personal growth in competence, achievement, responsibility, and recognition. These factors are intrinsic to the work that is done and are called motivators because employees were motivated to obtain these factors and were…

Self Assessment Assignment




Psychological theories


Words: 813 (4 pages)

Though different in their own ways, each view by different psychologist has some common ground, and through hem, we have learned of several different ways to manage and cope with fear in our shrinking world. There is much to be learned from our world psychologist and the Tibetan culture; both about the emotion we call…

A Comparison of Freud and Fromm

Clinical Psychology



Psychoanalytic Theory

Psychological theories

Sigmund Freud

Words: 1240 (5 pages)

Sigmund Freud was born in Monrovia on May 6, 1856. He entered the University of Vienna in 1873 at the age of 17. He finished his degree in 1881. Freud died in England in 1939. He was an active therapist, theorist, and writer to the very end. ( Ewen 19-20) Erich Fromm was born four…

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Frequently Asked Questions about Psychological theories

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What are psychological theories?
Psychological theories are systems of ideas that can explain certain aspects of human thoughts, behaviors and emotions. Psychology researchers create these theories to make predictions for future human behaviors or events that may take place if certain behaviors exist. Read More:
What are the 5 psychological theories?
The five major perspectives in psychology are biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and humanistic. You may wonder why there are so many different psychology approaches and whether one approach is correct and others wrong. Read More:
What are the major psychological theories?
The six Grand Theories in Psychology are: Psychoanalysis, Behaviorism, Cognitivism, Ecological, Humanism, and Evolutionary. Read More:

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