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Essays on Reproduction

We found 15 free papers on Reproduction

Essay Examples

The Reproduction of Dominant Discourses in Jade Snow Wong’s Fifth Chinese Daughter


The Woman Warrior

Words: 4131 (17 pages)

First published in 1945 and reissued with a new introduction in 1989, Jade Snow Wong’s Fifth Chinese Daughter is an autobiographical account of a young girl’s twofold struggle to free herself from the patriarchal binds of her ancestral Chinese culture while claiming her place within Anglo American mainstream society. Fifth Chinese Daughter’s enduring popularity, most…

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome



Words: 1476 (6 pages)

The topic I chose to research was Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Polycystic is a health problem that can affect a women’s menstrual cycle, childbearing, hormones, and other bodily functions. Women with this disorder typically have higher levels of androgens in their bodies. [ (DePaolo, 2007) ] In this paper I will first do an overview of…

Posthumous reproduction


Words: 1149 (5 pages)

The advancements brought forth by science and technology often lead to a collision between two groups of individuals that have always been in an epic tug of war; the liberals and the ethicists. While ethicists often cite morals as the reason to clamp down of medical advancements, liberalists are firm that science and the field…

The Reproductive System


Words: 3025 (13 pages)

The ability to reproduce is one of the unifying characteristics of all living things. Sexual reproduction produces offspring that are genetically different from their parents. Asexual reproduction produces offspring genetically identical to their parent. Asexual ReproductionFission, budding, fragmentation, and the formation of rhizomes and stolons are some of the mechanisms that allow organisms to reproduce…

The sexual response cycle




Words: 1138 (5 pages)

The term ‘sexual response cycle’ was first used by William Masters and Virginia Johnson (1966) to describe the bodily responses or the changes in the body of men and women when they become sexually aroused. There are four identified stages that occur in the sexual response cycle – the excitement stage, plateau, orgasm, and the…

Vitro Fertilization Research Paper The Facts




Words: 362 (2 pages)

Vitro Fertilization Essay, Research Paper The Facts of Life Human in vitro fertilisation is choice of embryos for the transportation to the womb. The eggs are surgically removed from a adult female ’ s ovaries and placed in a carefully prepared stock called human tubal fluid. Six hours subsequently, the hubby ’ s sperm cells…

Why Are There More Debates Than Answers When Discussing Stem-cell Research? Argumentative Essay



Stem Cell

Words: 817 (4 pages)

Stem cell research is the latest advancement in biotechnology which shows how an organism develops from a single cell and how healthy cells replace damaged cells in adult organisms. This technique has lead scientists to research about the possibility Of cell-based therapies to treat disease, which is Often referred to as regenerative or reparative medicine….

Hyadatidiform Mole




Words: 352 (2 pages)

The uterus forms a tumor called hydatidiform mole, which looks like a cluster of grape-like cysts. These moles typically occur during a woman’s reproductive years and do not spread outside the uterus. However, they can give rise to choriocarcinoma, a malignant condition. Initially, a hydatidiform mole may appear similar to a normal pregnancy. To diagnose…

Parts of the Flower




Words: 619 (3 pages)

Parts Of The Flower A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants. The biological function of a flower is to effect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. Flowers may facilitate outcrossing or allow selfing. Many flowers have evolved to…

Meiosis vs. Mitosis




Words: 490 (2 pages)

From a human perspective, it appears nature has come up with some ingenious ways to overcome the obstacles it has faced. Take the evolution of sex, for instance. Nature took a system by which parent cells reproduced simply by dividing (asexual reproduction), and altered it to allow two parent cells to combine to create offspring…

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