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Social Issues Essay Examples Page 367

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Essay Examples


The Critical Race Theory and Role of Art

Critical Race Theory



Words: 2739 (11 pages)

Race represents a unique but tricky thing. Many think that the identification of race is something easy to point out. Many think that race is only defined by the color of the skin and their physical uniqueness. However, there is more to race than skin color and other physical features. Race is defined in sociology…

Homosexuality – Nature or Nurture



Words: 1904 (8 pages)

The age-old debate surrounding the factors that impact an individual’s sexual orientation has always intrigued us. Is it possible for social influences and environment to influence one’s attraction towards the same sex? Alternatively, could a person’s genetic composition predispose them to being naturally attracted to members of the same gender? These inquiries lead us to…

Affirmative Action And Civil Rights

Affirmative Action

Words: 1461 (6 pages)

After the United States Congress passed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, itbecame apparent that certain business traditions, such as seniority status andaptitude tests, prevented total equality in employment. Then President, LyndonB. Johnson, decided something needed to be done to remedy these flaws. OnSeptember 24, 1965, he issued Executive Order #11246 at Howard University thatrequired…

Position paper on gun control

Gun Control

Words: 786 (4 pages)

There are differing views among citizens in the United States regarding gun control, a contentious issue. Some argue for complete disarmament of civilians, while others believe that implementing gun control measures could have negative effects on the economy and potentially lead to an increase in casualties and mass shootings, which are associated with our right…

Different Solutions to Poverty in Urban Areas


Poverty reduction

Words: 1295 (6 pages)

Different solutions to poverty in urban areas 1. Introduction: Poverty can be defined in two ways, which are absolute poverty and relative poverty. In terms of absolute poverty, Murray (2004:2) suggests that the lack of an adequate income and cannot gain access to basic necessities to provide for basic human needs-food, clothing, warmth and shelter-…

A Proposal to Remove the Names of Applicants from Job Applications to Eliminate Employer Discrimination


Job Application


Words: 548 (3 pages)

Despite efforts to promote equality in the United States, there are still disparities in employment between different racial groups. Employers have a bias towards white candidates compared to black candidates. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has rules against employers asking for information that could indicate an applicant’s race (EEOC). However, employers continue to…

Sex with Elton John

Gay Marriage


Human Sexuality

Words: 769 (4 pages)

Elton John, born as Reginald Kenneth Dwight, was born on March 25th 1947. He learned how to play the piano at a very early age. He left school at the age of seventeen to pursue a career in music. His father, much like Freddie Mercury’s, tried to steer him into a different career path. He…

The Critical Race Theory and the Way to Avoid Criticism

Critical Race Theory



Words: 630 (3 pages)

An intelligent Black boy, who dumbs himself down to avoid criticism. The Hispanic girl who stays at home to take care of her family, instead of going to school. The Asian who pursues a career in medicine, despite wanting to be an actor. All of these strange actions can be explained by the Critical Race…

Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring Short Summary


Words: 2768 (12 pages)

The purpose of this paper is to describe Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring. Dr. Jean Watson is a highly distinguished individual in the field of nursing who advocates a philosophy and theory of human caring. She was born in West Virginia. She obtained her BSN in 1964, finished her MSN in 1966 and her…

Racism and Discrimination In “Remember the Titans” Analysis


Words: 3710 (15 pages)

Introduction It is apparent to the viewer from the start this movie is about Prejudice, Racism and Discrimination. Set in a traditionally white southern town in 1971, the effects of court ordered integration are coming down hard on the town’s people. The struggles of being black in a white society that is trying to manage…

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What are the key elements of a Social Issues essay

The key elements of a social issues essay are a strong thesis, a clear and concise introduction, well-developed and supported body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A social issues essay should also be well-organized and well-written.

How to start essay on Social Issues

There is no one answer to this question. It depends on the particular social issue you are addressing in your essay. You might begin by discussing the history of the issue, or by providing an overview of the current situation. You could also start by telling a personal story that illustrates the importance of the issue. Whatever approach you take, make sure to grab your reader’s attention and give them a reason to care about the issue you are discussing.

General Essay Structure for this Topic

  1. The Industrial Revolution And Social Change
  2. The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On Social Structure
  3. The Industrial Revolution And The Rise Of The Working Class
  4. The Industrial Revolution And The Decline Of The Aristocracy
  5. The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On Women
  6. The Impact Of The Industrial Revolution On Children
  7. The Industrial Revolution And The Growth Of Cities
  8. The Industrial Revolution And The Environment
  9. The Industrial Revolution And Religion
  10. The Legacy Of The Industrial Revolution

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