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Essay Examples

Promoting a Variety of Events for Students


Words: 1443 (6 pages)

1.0 Terms of Reference On 17th of September 2013,Muhamad Shahril Fitri bin Tokimoon, Luqman Hakim bin Suhaime and Muhammad Izzat bin Buang from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering ,MARA University of Technology Shah Alam campus (UiTM) were instructed by Sir Haji Zolkofly bin Suman ,lecturer for Report Writing course(BEL 422) to write a report based on…

Literacy Learning of At Risk First Grade Students




Words: 363 (2 pages)

            The study was designed to assess the need for literacy intervention services to first grade students. Intervention services are designed to assist students who are performing low in areas of literacy. The benefit of intervention services are improved scores on literacy based standardized tests. The gap between at risk first grade students and average…

Time Management for College Students



Time Management

Words: 969 (4 pages)

With the advent and the nonstop development of technology, it helps lessen the required time and effort to do a single task. We all know that with the invention of some technologies that are now widespread such as computers, television, smartphones, and other innovations, the activities are accomplished by people effectively and at a faster…

Applying Educational Theory To an At Risk Student



Words: 2859 (12 pages)

Introduction Drug abuse among students is rampant especially so among students who come from poor background. Environment as been one of the major factors that has contributed to this vice, therefore if the student is living within the environment where drugs are in circulation, can have an easy access to the drug therefore getting involved…

“In Praise of the F Word” Mary Sherry

Personal Experience



Words: 1224 (5 pages)

In the article, “In Praise of the F Word” Mary Sherry argues that flunking students is a method that has been effective in the past and is still effective todays day, and anyone needs to see is as a positive teaching tool. Sherry indicates that flunking students is a method that motivates students to study…

Students Cram the Material Before the Exam



Words: 696 (3 pages)

The definition of cramming may vary. In a study mentioned in the article (page 227) from 1968, cramming is defined as “a period of neglect of study followed by a concentrated burst of studying immediately before an exam.” It is not surprising that research indicates students continue to cram for exams. Surprisingly, a significant percentage…

Students Do Not Have Time due to Constant Harassment From Classmates



Words: 2278 (10 pages)

In many schools today it is hard for students to do well due to constant harassment from their classmates. Studies such as “The Effects of Bullying on Children in School” have shown that bullying may lead to depression, low self-esteem, mental illness, and even suicide. According to Vulnerabilities. Org rates of Bullied, a term used…

The Core Values of Alpha Phi Alpha


Words: 542 (3 pages)

Commitment to mentorship and the development of black youth, specifically young black males, is why I want to be a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated. Alpha Phi Alpha has a massive international platform and Alpha men use this to cultivate the best young black minds, while also being living embodiments of the fraternity’s…

Factors Affecting the Decision of Graduating High School Students in Choosing a College Course


High School


Words: 5487 (22 pages)

Introduction Graduating high school is a time where young adults venture into the world of grown-ups. Several students try to get into college and choose a course wherein they could learn something related to a career they want. Most of the time, it determines the profession that a student will undertake in the future. Choosing…

Impact of Student Grit in the Learning Environment




Words: 633 (3 pages)

The book A History of Mathematics Education in the United States in the United States and Canada published by the National Council of Teacher of Mathematics provides a complete historical perspective of the development and growth of Mathematics Education from the early schoolhouses of the 1700s to the late 1960s (NCTM, 1970). During the early…

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