World War I Page 2
We found 31 free papers on World War I
Essay Examples
World War I: Trench Diary
World War I
As I lie here in my dug out writing to you, under my lice infested, rat chewed blanket, I suddenly realise just how cold it is in these trenches. These dark walls seem to be closing in on me, suffocating me. I think I don’t usually feel it because I am used to it by…
An Investigation of the Leading Theories as the Actual Cause of the Second Great War
World War I
The First World War began in August, 1914. It was directly triggered by the assassination of the Austrian archduke, Franz Ferdinand and his wife, on 28th June, 1914 by Bosnian revolutionary, GavriloPrincip. While this started a chain of events that directly led to the fighting, the actual root causes are much deeper and are continue…
Why World War 1 Was so Devastating
Trench warfare
World War I
World War 1 was the first “Great War” in American history. It caused a major advancement in American weaponry and technology. Also, it showed the axis powers the strength and determination of our nation. World War 1 was triggered by the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand. It started in 1914 and ended in 1920. It…
World War 1 to World War 2 Comparison
World War I
World War II
How were the United States goals in World War I similar or different to the United States goals for fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan? The United States goals in World War I and Iraq and Afghanistan are very different, and this is partly because they are in totally different time periods and the technology is…
An Overview of the Causes of World War One and the Battle for the Freedom From Imperialism
World War I
World War I, like many events in history. occurred in the wake of numerous and equally Influential events that led to a single outcome Yet, there are still Ideas that there was one major cause, and other smaller, less important causes. Some historians have argued that imperialism should bear the responsibility, while others claim that…
Difficulties in Life of James Decartes
World War I
World War I left many families dead, creating large numbers of orphans. Jamaie (later to become James) Decartes was one of those orphans. His father died in the trenches in France, and his mother was stolen away, never to be seen again. James was 14 when this happened, he hid under floor boards when his…
World War I Poet: Wilfred Owen Analysis
Wilfred Owen
World War I
Wilfred Owen was an English poet who specialised in writing about the war. Owen was born on 18th March 1893 in Oswestry. In October 1915 he joined the army and assigned to fight at the Somme. On his return to England and was put into hospital only two years after he joined up in 1917…
Haig Fully Deserves His Reputation as ‘Bungler and Butcher of the Somme’
International Relations
World War I
Haig, a divisive figure of both World War One and the twentieth century, elicits differing viewpoints. Some view him as a nationalistic champion, while others question his effectiveness as a leader. Nevertheless, it cannot be denied that he led 60,000 soldiers to their deaths in the early stages of the Somme battle – a startling…
Treaty of Versailles: The End of War
Treaty of Versailles
World War I
Introduction WW1 Armistice happened at November 11th, 1918 on 11:11 and it ended war against the axis and ally power. The League of Nations later on started January 19, 1920 and was made to fix solutions. Later on they have made the Treaty of Versailles to end war completely and have everything come back. Later…
Douglas Haig – “Butcher of the Somme”
World War I
The First World War started when Austro-Hungary attacked Serbia. This triggered alliances and ententes to come to attention. Germany defended Austro- Hungary and Russia defended Serbia, France defended Russia and Britain defended France. That one declaration of war caused a chain reaction of countries and a tangle of European politics. Trench Warfare was where the…