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Investigation Essay Examples

We found 19 free papers on Investigation

Investigate the effect of temperature on the activity of catalase


Words: 1604 (7 pages)

Enzymes, which are organic catalysts in the body, serve to enhance metabolic reactions while maintaining their chemical integrity through an active site. This is a region, typically a depression or cleft, where another molecule can attach. The molecule that attaches here is known as the substrate and it usually corresponds specifically with the active site…

A Murder Investigation Case


Words: 1028 (5 pages)

After Kait was shot, her car traveled 719 feet, crossed the median, and came to a rest on the sidewalk east of the intersection of Lomas Blvd. and ArnoStreet. The first officer on the scene (not in uniform–just passing by)observed two vehicles parked on the sidewalk, Kait’s red Ford Tempo and a VW Bug parked…

The Investigation of the Double Murder of Nicole Brown Simpson


Words: 2334 (10 pages)

As a crime scene investigator, my responsibility is to investigate the double homicide of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. The objective is to gather evidence against Orenthal James Simpson for the murder of his wife, Nicole Simpson, and her friend Ronald Goldman. The tragic event occurred at approximately 10:15 P.M. on June 12, 1994,…

Investigate the effect of caffeine on the heart rate of Daphnia




Words: 1085 (5 pages)

Investigating the effects of Caffeine on the heart rate of Daphnia Shrimp. Aim: In this experiment we are trying to find out how varying the concentration of caffeine can affect the heart rate of Daphnia shrimp. Prediction: I predict that caffeine will increase the heart rate of the shrimp . Introduction: I believe the results…

Anaphylaxis and the Body’s Immune System: An Investigation of Anaphylactic Shock

Immune System

Words: 2692 (11 pages)

Abstract Generally, anaphylactic shock is characterized by an explosive overreaction of the immune system to a triggering event- which can include bee stings, insect bites, peanuts, eggs, drugs given to the body, and others. Derived from the Greek word “ana” or without and “phylaxis” without, the body’s immunity is severely compromised and affects multiple body…

Investigation of the Mobile Phone use of Melbournians

Mobile Phone

Words: 1872 (8 pages)

Introduction 1. 1Aim This report aims to investigate the mobile phone use of Melbournians. Demographically, this report will focus on Students aged between 12-30 years old. This report is for the Minister of Consumer Affairs and will provide supplementary information about this growing industry. 1. 2Background The mobile phone is one of the most beneficial…

Investigation into how temperature affects the rate of respiration in yeast


Words: 345 (2 pages)

Introduction Students are reminded that marks are awarded in three areas and their final piece of work should reflect this. Planning – Should explain how you decided upon the method that you have chosen and should include any references to other pieces of work including textbooks, preliminary work or Internet searches. It also includes the…

AP Investigation Lab #13 Enzyme Activity


Words: 1819 (8 pages)

During the enzyme lab, we conducted an experiment by combining a substrate, an indicator, and an enzyme. We also included a neutral buffer to maintain the pH level at around 7. When all these components were mixed together, we observed a noticeable change in the color of the substance. The substance gradually became darker and…

The Investigation of Mosquito Breeding Sites


Words: 2026 (9 pages)

Sampling method The sampling activities has been carried out from 16 November 2013 until 19 January 2014. The field studies were done one time per hebdomad in each survey country between 1000 H and 1500 H by individual. Each study consisted of the review of domestic and non-domestic countries of each 7 checkpoint selected survey…

The Investigation of the Tankleff Murders, a Wrongful Conviction Case

Criminal Justice

Words: 820 (4 pages)

17 year old Marty Tankleff woke up to a terrible sight on the first day of his senior year in high school. On September 7, 1988 he woke up to his mother bludgeoned to death and his father clinging to life in his office. From this day forward the Long Island teen’s life would change…

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What is an Investigation essay?

An investigation essay is a paper that seeks to find out an answer to a question through a detailed study of a subject. The essay might seek to find out how a certain event happened, why it happened, or what the consequences of the event were.

What Is the Purpose of the Investigation essay?

The purpose of an investigation essay is to provide a detailed and comprehensive examination of a particular issue. This type of essay is often used in the legal field to investigate a crime or to gather evidence in support of a legal case. In other fields, investigation essays may be used to examine a controversial issue in order to provide a balanced and objective view.

Start by brainstorming ideas for your essay

Brainstorming is the process in which you come up with the essay topic. You need to simply sit and think of ideas during this phase.

How to Write a Brainstorming Outline for Your Essay

Brainstorming is an effective and efficient activity to generate new ideas, and thoughts that eventually lead to the solutions of several problems at a time. Brainstorming can be performed in groups or you can do it on you own.

Brainstorming is one of the most common types of informal idea invention. Brainstorming comes in handy in many situations where creative, cognitive thinking is required. Brainstorming is an effective and efficient activity to generate new ideas, and thoughts that eventually lead to the solutions of several problems at a time.

Brainstorming can be performed in groups or you can do it on you own. Brainstorming is one of the most common types of informal idea invention. Brainstorming comes in handy in many situations where creative, cognitive thinking is required.

Research your topic thoroughly

Research your topic thoroughly. This means looking for credible sources that can provide accurate information about your topic. When you have gathered enough information, you can start writing your paper.

Develop a thesis statement and outline for your essay

Thesis Statement: A thesis statement is a statement that conveys the main idea of your essay in a concise format. It is usually placed at the end of the introductory paragraph.

Outline: An outline is a tool used to organize your thoughts and ideas before writing an essay. It includes a list of all the points and arguments you want to include in your essay and arranges them in a logical order.

Frequently Asked Questions

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How do you start an investigation report essay?
Cover Page. Generally, the very first element of an investigative report is the cover page or case summary page. Executive Summary. Allegation Summary. Details of Investigation. Conclusion & Recommendations. Be clear and concise. Be detailed. Be thorough.
How do you write an investigation essay?
Guidelines to write the Investigative Writing Research Paper:Identify a visual argument. Ask questions. Research the Topic. Once you have identified a question (working thesis), begin to research. Determine the problem/issue, consider the scope, and organize the data collected. Draw a conclusion. Organize the paper.
What is an investigative essay?
Investigation essays are essays that seek to uncover some facts or information. They're similar to research papers and are incredibly important in some fields, including the sciences.

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