Flexibility In Lean Agile And Leagile Supply Chain Business

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Companies have been seeking to derive competitory border by cut downing every signifier of inefficiency from supply ironss. Two most popular paradigms that the companies are sing in accomplishing this are: thin thought and nimble supply concatenation. Thin focal points on making more with less. Thin attack works best where demand is stable, assortment is low and hence can be accurately forecasted. By extinguishing waste in every signifier, the thin systems compete on the footing of cost every bit good as quality. Agility is a much wider construct that requires engagement of full organisation, information systems and logistics procedures ( Agarwal et al. 2006, p.212 ) . In instance where clients demand assortment and have fluctuating demand, the ability to react to such volatile market conditions of nimble supply concatenation makes the organisation robust. Not merely separately, companies are leveraging the benefits of both by uniting them in their supply concatenation known as leagile supply concatenation. Leagile supply ironss are capable of presenting to a dynamic market place and include a decoupling point along the concatenation where merchandise becomes alone ( Mason-Jones 2000, p.54 ) . Before the decoupling point, thin attack is applied and merchandises are built harmonizing to the prognosis. After the point, supply ironss are nimble functioning harmonizing to the client orders.

Flexibility in supply ironss is the ability to reconfigure the system rapidly and cheaply therefore fulfilling the demands of a volatile market. Koste and Malhotra ( 1999b ) emphasized that presence or absence of flexibleness in supply concatenation depends on the competitory precedences ( Wadhwa et al. 2003, p.2 ) . The efficient or thin supply concatenation emphasize flexibleness in footings of volume, as in this supply concatenation flexibleness of merchandise conversion is low, so they have to be high on volume flexibleness to force the merchandise in the market and achieve cost efficiencies. This is triggered by the internal flexibleness type, viz. capacity flexibleness. The thin supply concatenation has the capacity flexibleness because their system of fabrication merchandises is based on the forecasted informations, so the capacity is varied harmonizing to the forecasted demands. Though volume and bringing flexibleness is present in both the supply concatenation types, but thin supply ironss are created to back up high grade of fluctuations in volume by cut downing waste and lead clip. In nimble supply ironss, a degree of excess stock is maintained in order to cover with volume fluctuations but this stock is limited due to be considerations.

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On the other manus, responsive or nimble supply ironss are flexible in supplying assortments i.e. , mix flexibleness as these base the supply on client demand. Therefore, they besides support new merchandise flexibleness by supplying chance to suit the production of big assortment of new merchandises. The flexibleness of nimble supply ironss in suiting new merchandise conversion and mix flexibleness ( external flexibleness ) are based on the machine and operation internal flexibleness ( Naim et al. 2006, p. 299 ) . The machine flexibleness utilizes the ability of the machines to bring forth different assortment of merchandise based on client orders. The operation flexibleness provide the ability to sequence production in certain ways, therefore doing the nimble supply concatenation capable of supplying customized merchandises to the clients.

Transport flexibleness ( including Node, Link and Temporal flexibleness ) is an built-in portion of nimble supply ironss that aim at keeping a closer relationship with the client by fulfilling their changing demands rapidly ( Naim et al. 2006, p. 301 ) . This besides involves working in strong coaction with the logistics bearers every bit good as the rivals and complementors. This relationship helps in cut downing substructure and operation cost. Flexibility in conveyance therefore supports mix flexibleness and entree flexibleness. The company achieves the ability to take from assorted transit manners while covering maximal distribution country.

High grade of communicating flexibleness is the key to the success of the nimble supply ironss. This involves acquiring the market information every bit faster every bit possible every bit good as pass oning the demand to the full organisation through to the providers ( Naim. et Al. 2006, pp. 307 ) . The thin supply ironss have low grade of communicating flexibleness as they plan the production based on the prognosis and do non do alterations in the agenda.

Leagile Supply Chain

In a huge portfolio of merchandises and markets, there are some merchandises whose demand is stable and predictable and some merchandises whose demand is volatile. For such companies, leagile supply concatenation provides the chance to leverage the benefits of both thin and nimble systems. Prior the decoupling point the system has flexibleness of thin supply concatenation whereas after the point flexibleness of nimble systems is present. Though the intercrossed systems are non wholly cost effectual and antiphonal like thin and nimble systems severally but provide the clients with maximal value ( Christopher 2000, pp. 40 ) .

Zara, the Spanish dress retail merchant, is an first-class illustration of leagile supply concatenation scheme ( Christopher 2000, pp. 40 ) . It has established an nimble supply concatenation which still incorporates ‘lean ‘ features. It operates with the aim of responding fleetly to the altering demands of the clients. The uncoupling point lies with the assembly program. The alleged ‘commercial directors ‘ gestate the type of garments and cloth which are ordered based on the prognosis. The designs are prepared based on the real-time information captured on the store floor from the clients, from visits to international manner shows, rival ‘s shops, university campuses, nines, etc. Therefore, the concluding design is ‘assembled ‘ on the footing of current client demand. It tries to extinguish waste by non bring forthing in big volume. Zara has outsourced all non-strategic activities while all merchandise development and concluding production installations are kept in-house. The system is flexible plenty in order to get by with sudden alterations in demand, though the stock is maintained a little less than the demand maintaining in line with the thin attack.


Whether to implement thin, nimble or leagile supply concatenation depends on the demand and market conditions ( the demand that company aims to fulfill ) . In making so, companies achieve certain flexibleness types, among which some are common to both and others are achieved in higher grade in one system than other as explained above.

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Flexibility In Lean Agile And Leagile Supply Chain Business. (2017, Jul 08). Retrieved from


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