Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

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This article provides over 50 fun persuasive speech topics for students to consider. The topics cover a wide range of issues, from education and politics to health and pop culture. The author encourages students to choose topics that are fresh and entertaining rather than covering the same tired topics seen in the media every day. The first 27 topics include ideas such as making college textbooks free, requiring teachers to provide study guides for exams, and legalizing marijuana. The second set of 27 topics includes more lighthearted ideas, such as the belief that Elvis is alive or that cats are better than dogs. The author encourages readers to use their creativity and come up with their own entertaining persuasive speeches to share.

Here are over 50 fun persuasive speech topics to help you create a light-hearted speech that will be enjoyable to listen to AND to write!Many people end up covering the same tired topics that they see in the media each day, simply because they can’t come up with a better idea.

That won’t be you, of course, because these topics are fresh and entertaining!Here are 53 thought-provoking ideas to consider…

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Speech Topic: First 27 Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

  1. The movie rating system is rigged.

  2. Voting should be mandatory.
  3. Marijuana should be legalized and allowed to be sold in coffee shops.
  4. College textbooks should be loaned to students for free.
  5. Parking and coffee should be included in college tuition.

  6. Students should not have to take coursework unrelated to their major.
  7. College students should be required to wear uniforms.
  8. Let go of the past.
  9. Jury duty should not be mandatory.

  10. Health insurance should be free to all.
  11. Students should be exempt from taxes.
  12. As gas prices increase, wages should too!
  13. Teachers should be required to provide study guides for exams.
  14. Safety lights should be installed in all college parking lots.

  15. Becoming a vegetarian makes for a healthier lifestyle.
  16. Losing weight is a great way to change your life.
  17. Lying is a natural and necessary part of good relationships.
  18. Carpe diem! (Seize the day!)
  19. Start planning for the future.

  20. Don’t eat fast food!
  21. Don’t fall prey to fad diets!
  22. Be yourself! (Leadership rather than following others)
  23. Parent teacher conferences should be mandatory.
  24. Say “no” to college credit card offers.
  25. Minimum wage should be raised.
  26. Luck is not a matter of chance (click to read a sample speech).

Speech Topic: 2nd 27 Fun Persuasive Speech Topics

  1. Become an organ donor.
  2. Cats are better than dogs.
  3. Elvis is alive!
  4. Michael Jackson was abducted by aliens!
  5. Miley Cyrus’s twerking was a shrewd publicity stunt.
  6. Home schooling is the best education program!
  7. Private schools are better than public schools!
  8. Donate to charity!
  9. Satellite is better than cable!
  10. McDonalds is better than Burger King.

  11. Buying is better than renting.
  12. Renting is better than buying.
  13. Recycle!
  14. Don’t procrastinate.
  15. Celebrities receive preferential legal treatment.

  16. Reality TV is not “real”.
  17. Keep a journal.
  18. Women can do anything men do and they can do it better!
  19. Athletes should be good role models.
  20. Winning isn’t everything but it sure beats losing.

  21. All is fair in love and war.
  22. Teachers deserve pay raises!
  23. Students with “A’s” should be exempt from finals.
  24. Everyone should own a pet!
  25. Wal-mart is the best place to shop!
  26. Use credit cards responsibly.
  27. Everyone should take a self defense class.

  28. Parents should take an active role in their children’s education.

Okay, so that’s my list of fun persuasive speech topics. Hopefully they will inspire you to come up with some of your own!I know just how creative the folks who visit Best Speech Topics are, so if you come up with an entertaining persuasive speech, use this form to send your speech in and share it with everyone.;;

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Fun Persuasive Speech Topics. (2017, Oct 26). Retrieved from

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