Government and Thoreau

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Thoreau argues in his essay that a limited government where the people have more say is the best form of government. He uses the example of the Mexican War to demonstrate the problems with government and cites what the government does not do, such as furthering enterprise or educating people. Thoreau sees a conflict between majority rule and individual conscience, and makes ethical appeals to support his argument. He also uses an emotional appeal in his personal experience with the tax collector. Thoreau believes that one person can change the system. He includes an anecdote about the boys and the dog to compare it to the malice of the government, and uses a comparison of the state to a woman with her silver spoons to highlight the government’s greed.

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Thoreau opens his essay with a radical paradox: “That government Is best which governs not at all. ” What does Thoreau mean? What Thoreau means when he begins his essay with “That government is best which governs not at all” is Thoreau doesn’t want a government that doesn’t govern at all or a tyranny but a limited government, where the people have more say. 2. Thoreau uses logic In providing an example of the problems with government.

What Is the example? The example Thoreau uses is the Mexican War (“Witness the present Mexican war, he work of comparatively a few individuals using the standing government as a tool… “) 3. Thoreau uses an emotional appeal in citing what the government does not do. What does government not do? The government does not further any enterprise, “It does not keep the country free. It does not settle the west. It does not educate. ” 4. What conflict does Thoreau see between majority rule and individual conscience?

The conflict Thoreau sees between majority rule and individual conscience is the majority has the risk of overthrowing and removing the need and role of Individual omniscience. 5. What ethical appeals does Thoreau make in this paragraph? The Ethical appeals that Thoreau makes in this paragraph are that people should not support crime or wrongdoing, and they should not contradict themselves by saying or doing one thing out in public and allow contrary things to occur without doing anything. . What emotional appeal does Thoreau make in this paragraph? Do you think he is correct about one person being able to change the system? The emotional appeal that Thoreau makes in this paragraph is his personal experience with his civic gibber- the tax collector and asks for respect, which is something people are able to relate to.

I believe that he Is correct about one person being able to change the system due to any Individual being able to spark a change In the peoples hearts for support to change how the system works. 7. Why might Thoreau include this anecdote about the boys and the dog? What is the purpose of the comparison of the state to a woman with her silver spoons? Thoreau includes this anecdote about the boys and the dog In order to compare It to the malice of the government.

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Government and Thoreau. (2018, Jan 03). Retrieved from

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