Gullibility and Naivet in Animal Farm

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Animal Farm by George Orwell demonstrates how the general population of a nation can be ignorant and gullible. The sheep, dogs, and Boxer are used to represent the public, secret police, and workforce, respectively. The sheep are particularly offending as their naïveté relates to everyone reading the book. They blindly accept slogans and are easily controlled by Napoleon. Boxer is easily motivated and convinced to work, and he blindly follows Napoleon without questioning his motives. The dogs are easily manipulated and controlled, just like a nation’s secret police. Overall, Animal Farm shows the gullibility and naïveté of humans, especially followers.

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George Orwell’s Animal Farm clearly illustrates the ignorant gullibility of the general population in any given nation. This aspect of the novel is clearly portrayed by the sheep, the dogs, and Boxer, who represent the general public, the secret police, and the workforce, respectively.

The Sheep are quite possibly the most offending character to society because their naïveté relates to everyone in the public, and anyone reading the book. Firstly, they show ignorance when Napoleon and Snowball teach them quite easily their “four legs good, two legs bad” phrase, even though they do not quite understand what they’re saying. They come to love their newly adapted slogan, and tend to break out into it in the middle of tumult. Although they like it so much, they are willing to change it to “four legs good, two legs better.” without much resistance. And finally, they show gullibility in that they too become terrified of Napoleon after the executions just like all the other animals. This trusting characteristic is especially taken advantage of by Napoleon and shows great weakness from the sheep.

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Boxer is easily convinced to work and easily motivated, even if it’s sometimes for the wrong reasons. He adapted the maxim “Napoleon is always right” without knowing why; he didn’t even have to comprehend the situation to use his phrase. The narrator says, “The most faithful disciples were the two cart horses, Boxer and Clover. Those two had great difficulty in thinking anything out for themselves, but once they accepted the pigs as teachers, they absorbed everything they were told, and passed it on to other animals by simple arguments.” Lastly, Boxer trusted Napoleon even though as soon as he was superannuated he was sent to the knackers, which it took him a while to believe. Boxer is just the character a leader like Napoleon preys on, he is a strong worker and does not question the motives behind it, and is easily persuaded as he is illiterate and naive.

The dogs, representing the KGB, are gullible and easily controlled. This is shown in that the dogs never seemed to particularly hate Snowball or like violence, but Napoleon easily convinced then to viciously run Snowball off the farm. It is also hinted at when the novel states “They kept close to Napoleon. It was noticed that they waged their tails to him in the same way as the other dogs had been used to do with Jones.” Ultimately, it was shown when the dogs easily ripped out the throats of their “comrades” without reward except the “respect” of Napoleon. In conclusion, the dogs were manipulated mentally just like our secret police are, which plays a crucial role in the success of a great leader like Napoleon.

In closure, Animal Farm has many open and many hidden examples of the gullibility and naïveté of humans in general, followers especially. This ignorant state of mind is demonstrated by the sheep, Boxer, and the dogs.

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Gullibility and Naivet in Animal Farm. (2017, Aug 01). Retrieved from

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