How I Want to Connect Business With Society

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I’m slowly growing up into a responsible adult and starting a whole new chapter. At a young age, I have always admired how fast someone can grow from their own business and always questioned the process of creating a business from scratch. I moved a lot as a kid due to my dad’s job and the projects they offered; as I grew up I was interested in how one company could be in different countries and still gain and grow together as a business. Seeing all that made me want to create a business that helps regenerate money into the economy and give the world through me.

I chose Toulouse Business School because of its specialized courses and the program it holds; the first three semesters offer the basics and fundamentals of management and business as a whole, while in the fourth semester, students are obliged to work on a project that involves a societal conflict. In addition, the last year, students have the choice to choose a specific course to specialize in, which is perfect because it will help them guide their future job. While going to these courses, each student must have an internship each year, which is superior and gives them an advantage and a taste of the working life of an adult. Lastly, getting to graduate with a French degree while studying in a country that I prefer is an excellent mix.

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My idea of business oddly connects to society by helping them as to also playing sports. I can call myself goal-oriented and I get it from playing various of sports; for instance, football and swimming; through the rays of heat, I feel my legs burning trying to get the ball from the opposing and set to my mind that I need to pass the ball to a teammate to kick it into the goal or while I’m swimming I feel myself pushing through the water wanting to beat a certain time. Likewise, with TBS, it offers a Bureau des Sports club and a service citizen program which is a great thing to do during a student’s free time as well as it will help through their business journey indirectly.

I always played some type of sport growing up, but swimming and football are what stuck with me the longest teaching me how to evaluate what’s in front of me in a matter of seconds, while also thinking of ways to improve myself. Also, I have traveled to Siwa and helped an organization that made jewelry and carpets; this organization employed various uneducated women that do not have traits of an employee. As a result, as I grew I started valuing hard work and always setting a goal for myself. I have noticed that playing sports and its strategic plans as well as helping others are linked to business and are a necessity for the business journey that I will soon start As I mentioned earlier that I have lived in various countries due to my father’s job and projects that he gets, I have been to many countries with different societies and cultures.

I have also traveled inside of Egypt and I have noticed that all countries are similar one way or another. They all have a mini business. For example, while I walk in the streets of Italy, I have noticed many artists painting, entertaining the crowd, and selling their art. Same goes in Egypt, they will have stands with handcrafted silver wear that are unique to jewelry that you will find in any other jewelry store. Seeing these businesses helped me realize different aspects of a business and how they run it. I do hope that I can unleash my inner entrepreneur skills from the help of TBS and that I enjoy my stay in a city full of life, food, and beautiful views and all my closest friends were from Barcelona, so it holds a special place in my heart.

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How I Want to Connect Business With Society. (2023, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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