How My Experiences Continue to Inspire My Career in Internal Medicine

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During rounds in a medical ward full of patients with different diseases, two cases highlighted that day and make it memorable. The first one, a man who had a big smile when he learned that he will be discharged from the hospital. He was happy that he was finally going home. Suddenly, his condition was deteriorated, and passed away that evening.

The second case was on the other side of the ward; a middle-aged patient was admitted comatose, and he has been treated in a general ward as a consequence of limited resources, he could not get access to ICU. That patient regains his consonances that day, and a few days later, he went out of the hospital door walking without any support. These two cases devolved my Internal Medicine passion and started to grow since then. The process of evaluating symptoms, adding the challenge of discovering diagnoses makes Internal Medicine, in my opinion, an interesting and stimulating field.

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I grew up in Sudan, fully understanding the importance of the doctor’s role. During my medical practice, I worked in both urban and rural communities. I have been exposed to medical cases, challenged my skills, and strengthened my commitment to patient care. I was part of the environment that allowed me to be creative and utilize my skills to the best of my abilities. It was a valuable experience, cemented my belief that I chose the right career path.

During my medical school years, I learned a lot more than curing disease. I learned about connecting with people. The joy of helping and taking care of others always inspired me to volunteer. There were several initiatives that I was part of; the Rural Residency Program was designed to help low-income villagers to improve their living conditions. Another program that I participated in was health caravans; we provided health services to rural communities with primary medical care and health education.

I began my journey in the United States by taking the required exams, exposed to the health system through clinical experience; I completed three externships in primary care, and internal medicine provided me with a good understanding of the US health system. To nourish my love of learning, I worked in the research field, as well as education as a biology instructor. I believe Being a teacher is a critical part of being a physician, as I trust that Learning is one of the most exciting human experiences and those who are called to serve to have the responsibility to share their skills. During my journey, I was faced with additional challenges as having and raising 3 kids, which slow me a little bit, however, adds a lot more to my skill set, strengthened my organizational and multi-tasking skills, raised my motivation dedication, and made me stronger.

My journey continued in a new place, UAE (United Arab Emirates). I filled multiple positions as an emergency room doctor, primary care doctor, and Medical evaluator. During which I was growing a special interest in a comprehensive medical care holistic approach that addresses the full spectrum of the patient needs, including the occupational aspect. These experiences; draw my career map to consider preventive medicine practice as a future goal, with a special interest in occupational medicine and work-related disease field.

Internal medicine and preventive medicine are a continuum; it is impossible to practice either specialty without a comprehensive understanding of both fields. To further deepen my understanding of internal medicine, nourish my love for learning, and refine my skills, I am looking forward to training in the internal medicine residency program. My determination, commitment to patient care, and love of teaching, in addition to my diverse experiences, all equipped me for training in internal medicine. I anticipate that working in internal medicine will be rewarding, and I look forward to the next phase with great expectations, excitement, and strong commitment.

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How My Experiences Continue to Inspire My Career in Internal Medicine. (2023, Jan 31). Retrieved from

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