Individual Reflection

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Creativity and Innovation has been a new topic for me and it’s been quite interesting to learn about new things. Creativity and innovation have helped me to gain knowledge on the pattern of how things work in actual business world. Despite coming from different learning environment, it wasn’t difficult for me to adapt here. This study has helped me to gain much knowledge on the various methodologies used in creativity and innovation. Also, I have been aware about how to solve real life problems using those methodologies. In this study, firstly we were required to access a problem that exists in a company. The problems that we accessed further helped to know about the possible causes due to which the company was facing the problem. Then, we used “Brainstorming” (Besant , 2016, pp. 4-5) from Lecture 7 of Creativity and Innovation through which we gathered lots of ideas to solve the problems. Also, we used the “Divergent Thinking Method” (Runco & Acar, 2012, pp. 67-70) from Lecture 2 of Creativity and Innovation to solve the stated issue.

After generating several ideas, the focus of the study was to identify the best innovative solution that can be sustainable for the long run. So, to evaluate the ideas “Parallel Thinking Approach” (The De Bono Group, 1998) from Lecture 5 of Creativity and Innovation was regarded useful by our team. Furthermore, the team used “Six Thinking Hats” (Kivunja, 2015, pp. 382-388) and “Collaborative Thinking Approaches” (Lamb, 2009, p. 45) from Lecture 5 of Creativity and Innovation to study about the effectiveness of each solution and to decide on the most applicable solutions. All this process required much focus on the team’s knowledge and energy to analyze each of the solution. The process of using the solutions was quite exhausting but fruitful as well. This has opened a pretty exciting opportunity to give myself permission to just think and create and utilize those skills. This study has enriched my knowledge about the stages of the innovation process to convert good ideas into great solutions for the community. All this process helps an individual to explore the traits in themselves and display it to make this happen. This study has made a remarkable difference in my life as a student.

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This whole study has been informational towards my thought process about the real-life activities and about the utility of creative thinking. In the short span of time, the team have put a lot of effort for the completion of the report. Every team member has contributed equally to this study and it has helped me to cope up with team work. Also, this study has helped me to know about the importance of teamwork. Therefore, if in the future I come up with any issues then I would not hesitate to use the similar approaches to solve the problems in my life.


Besant , H. (2016). The Journey of Brainstorming. Journal of Transformational Innovation, 1-7.

Kivunja, C. (2015). Using De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats Model To Teach Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills Essential for Success in the 21st Century Economy. Creative Education, 380-391.

Lamb, C. M. (2009). Collaborative Systems Thinking: An exploration of the mechanisms enabling team systems thinking. Department of Technology, 1-44.

Runco, M. A., & Acar, S. (2012). Divergent Thinking as an Indicator of Creative Potential. Creativity Research Journal, 66-75.

The De Bono Group. (1998). Retrieved November 1, 2018, from

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Individual Reflection. (2022, May 13). Retrieved from

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