About Babushka, commonly referred to as Imam al-Babushka or Imam Babushka, was a Persian Islamic scholar who authored the Hath collection known as Isaiah al- Babushka, regarded by Sunnis Muslims as one of the most Isaiah (authentic) of all Hath compilations. He also wrote the books AH-Dab al-Muffed. Birth Muhammad bin Small al-Babushka al-Juju ‘if was born after the Jejunum prayer on Friday, 13 Shawl 194 AH (1 9 July 810) in the city of Babushka in Shoran (in present-day Uzbekistan). His father, Small bin Abraham, a scholar of Hath, was a student and associate of Mali bin Nanas.
Some Iraqi scholars related Hath rations from him. Babushka was the follower of the Hannibal school of thought within Islamic jurisprudence, [1 1] although members of both the Hannibal and Shaft’s schools levy this claim as well. [12] However, AH-Dhabi mentioned that Imam Babushka was a mustachio, a scholar capable of making his own Jihad without following any Islamic school of jurisprudence in particular. Lineage Babushka’s great-grandfather, al-Muggier, settled in Babushka after accepting Islam at the hands of Babushka’s governor, Hyman al-Juju ‘if.
As was the custom, he became a mall of Hyman, and his family continued to carry the ninjas of “al- Juju if”. AH-Maguire’s father, Birdbath, is the earliest known ancestor of Babushka according to most scholars and historians. He was a Magi (Zoroastrian and died as such. As-Submit is the only scholar to name Birdbath’s father, who he says was named Bazaar. Little is known of either Birdbath or Bazaar, except that they were Persian and followed the religion of their people. Historians have also not come across any information on Babushka’s grandfather, Abraham bin al- Muggier.
Hath studies and travels The historian al-Dhabi described his early academic life: He began studying Hath in the year 205 (A. H. ). He memorized the works of [Abdullah] bin al-Embark while still a child. He was raised by his mother because his father died when he was an infant. He traveled with his mother and brother in the year 21 0 after having heard the narrations of his region. He began authoring books and narrating Hath whilst still an adolescent. He said, “When I turned eighteen years old, I began writing about the Companions and the Followers and their statements.
This was during the time of ‘Paid Allah bin MUSM (one of his teachers). At that time I also authored a book of history at the grave of the Prophet at night during a full moon. 8] At age of sixteen, he, together with his brother and widowed mother, made the pilgrimage to Mecca. From there he made a series of travels in order to increase his knowledge of Hath. He went through all the important centers of Islamic learning of his time, talked to scholars and exchanged information on Hath. It is said that he heard from over 1,000 men, and learned over 600,000 traditions.
After sixteen years’ absence he returned to Babushka, and there drew up his al-Jamie’ as-Isaiah, a collection of 7,275 tested traditions, arranged in chapters so as to afford bases for a complete yester of jurisprudence without the use of speculative law. His book is highly regarded among Sunnis Muslims, and considered the most authentic collection of Hath, even ahead of the Mutate Imam Mali and Isaiah Muslim of Babushka’s student Muslim bin al-Hajj. Most Sunnis scholars consider it second only to the Quern in terms of authenticity.
He also composed other books, including al-Dab al-Muffed, which is a collection of Hath on ethics and manners, as well as two books containing biographies of Hath narrators Last years In the year 864/250, he settled in Mishap’s. It was in Necessary that he met Muslim bin al-Hajj. He would be considered his student, and eventually collector and organizer of Hath collection Isaiah Muslim which is considered second only to that of al-Babushka. Political problems led him to move to Shrank, a village near Samaritan where he died in the year 870/256.
Imam Bin-e-Major: ABA ‘Abdullah Muhammad bin Hazed Ar-Rev AI (also known as Bin Major) was born in Jazzmen (modern-day Barr Jazzmen) in 209 AH (824 CE). Jazzmen at that time was a capital of knowledge abounding with scientific activities and circles of scholars and jurists, just like the other radiant centers of knowledge ND civilization, foremost of which are Baghdad, Kafka, Baser, Mark, and Shaven. The Basis Empire was then at its peak of civilization and power, and AH-Mammon was the influential Caliph, who led the Caliphate toward progress and an Islamic-spirited renaissance.
Bin Major thus lived the first stages of his life within that scholarly atmosphere. So, he memorized the noble Curran and frequented the circles of Hath scholars that were widely held in Canteen’s mosques, until he learned a lot in this discipline. Then he made his plan for a journey in the pursuit of Hath, which was a tradition followed by the greatest scholars of Hath in that era, in compliance with the Prophetic Widths that encourage the pursuit of knowledge. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Whoever walks in a way to seek knowledge, therein will be led by Allah to a way to Paradise” (Muslim).
AH-Babushka commenced the section on knowledge in his book of authentic Hath with a chapter on going out in the pursuit of knowledge. It was mentioned in the beginning of this chapter that Jabber bin ‘Abdullah traveled a month’s distance to ‘ Abdullah bin ‘Anis for a single Hath! The journey in search of knowledge was of such great significance to the extent that compilations were written on principles and guidelines that ought to be followed and adhered to by the traveling seeker of knowledge.
His Journey for Knowledge Bin Major set out on his journey in 230 AH (844 CE) at the age of 22 to learn Hath from scholars. He traveled to Saurian, Baser, Kafka, Baghdad, Damascus, Make, Indiana, and Egypt. He was instructed by a number of highly knowledgeable scholars, such as Abraham bin AH-Mundane, AH-Hafiz AI- Hallways ABA Muhammad Hosannas bin All bin Muhammad Al-Shall, AH-Hafiz Az-Suburbia bin Biter, Salaams bin Shabby, AH-Hafiz Way ‘coup bin Humid, Small bin
Mouse AH-Bazaar, Harmful bin Yah, and Chair bin Hard. After an arduous journey that lasted more than 15 years, Bin Major turned back to Jazzmen and settled in it. He spent most of his time writing, classifying, and narrating Widths. At that time, his fame grew far and wide and seekers of knowledge from everywhere would come to him. His Works Bin Major gained the trust and respect of his contemporaries. He was deemed one of the greatest imams and scholars of Hath.
The author of At-Tanned If Tariku Jazzmen (Arabic for recording the history of Jazzmen) said of him, He is one of the great imams of Muslims; he is excellent and accurate; he enjoys unanimous acceptance. ” Also, Add-Dhabi (a reputable Islamic scholar, excelling in knowledge of Hath, History and others) said about him, “He is an erudite, reliable hafiz” Historians attested to the precedence and excellence of Bin Major on account of his vast knowledge and the valuable books and compilations that he left.
Most of his works, however, were prone to negligence and carelessness and were consequently lost, along with the treasures of our great heritage. He wrote a book on Tapster (interpretation) of the Curran, which as described by the famous historian and interpreter of the Curran Bin Gather in his book AH-Abidjan WA An-Mahayana (Arabic for the beginning and the end) as a rich book. Reference to Bin Mash’s book on Tapster was also made by great scholar As-Stouts in his book AH-Distant If ‘Alum AH-Curran (Arabic for mastering the sciences of the Curran).
Bin Major also authored a book on history that continued to exist for a long time after his death. Bin Trait AH-Masses, an eminent scholar, was reported to have seen this book with a comment on it handwritten by Jag ‘far bin Doris (a student of Bin Major). Bin Gather described it as comprehensive. Compilation of Susan The only surviving book written by Bin Major is Susan. This book has achieved widespread fame and gave him renowned and prestigious status among the scholars of Hath.
The book ranks as the fourth book of Saunas after the three well-known books of ABA Awed, At-Third, and An-Anna’s. It is also one of six important books of Saunas that include Isaiah of AH-Babushka and Muslim, besides the aforementioned books. These books are fundamental references of Saunas. Before Bin Major, the scholars used to refer to only five books of Saunas; forever, after the appearance of Bin Mash’s book, the scholars came to include his book among the authentic books of Saunas.