Kohinoor Chemical Ltd

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Kohinoor Chemical Co. (Bangladesh) Ltd. (KCCL) was established in 1956 and became a leader in producing top-quality beauty and personal care products in this region. By incorporating advanced machinery and consistently sourcing state-of-the-art raw materials from the best global suppliers, KCCL has set a high standard in manufacturing fine cosmetics, toiletries, soap, perfume, glycerin, and more.

It is a Public Limited Company, listed with both the bourses of Bangladesh, the Dhaka Stock Exchange and the Chittagong Stock Exchange. Upon the emancipation of independence of the country the enterprise of Kohinoor along with its age-old goodwill of TIBET brand name was nationalized and included under the Bangladesh Chemical: Industries Corporation (BCIC). On august 03, 1993 the unit was awarded from the management of Sector Corporation (BCIC) as it was acquired by the ORION GROUP under the Privatization Policy.

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Under private sector management, KCCL started a new journey of turning losses into profits, failures into successes, and moving from a backward to forward outlook. This involved a complete overhaul of production, personnel, and staff management systems, as well as the introduction of new technology to either replace or update existing ones. The new management also took on the challenge of diversifying brand positioning and introducing a new range of products.

In short order, KCCL regained its position in the market and the public once again embraced its traditional consumer response. In certain sectors, the corporate brand logo ‘TIBET’ has emerged as a market leader. TIBET has consistently maintained unwavering brand loyalty from rural consumers, and as the company’s reach and presence expands into new areas, the market for TIBET products has also grown proportionately while preserving the same level of brand loyalty.

KCCL has been successful in entering export markets, which is in contrast to its usual customer base of middle-class response. In order to achieve this success, KCCL consistently conducts a long-term program of BMER with foreign collaboration. Another factor contributing to KCCL’s success is its establishment of various marketing networks throughout the country, as well as its dedication to maintaining quality. The goal is to sustain success, and to do so, KCCL continuously updates its HRD resources and ensures quality control on a batch-by-batch and even piece-by-piece basis.

Under the able leadership of Orion Group, KCCL has regained its lost glory and penetrated into export markets. The company conducts a prolonged program of BMRE with full foreign collaboration to ensure quality and efficiency among its workforce. This workforce includes 1500 plus employees, including technical and management executives, who are provided with various welfare measures such as subsidized canteen, free uniform, Medicare facilities, and a welfare center. They are ready to respond to any consumer need. KCCL has achieved high productivity ratings in the country. Recently, KCCL has entered the export market and now exports its products to various parts of the world. This expansion represents new frontiers for the leading Toiletries and Cosmetics Company of Bangladesh.

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Kohinoor Chemical Ltd. (2017, Mar 19). Retrieved from


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