Mariano Escobedo As a Healthy Man He Was My Grandparents Great Greatgrandparent

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Mariano Escobedo, a healthy man, was my Grandparents’ great-great-grandparent. He was a Mexican General from Mexico who aspired to govern the country. He fought against the dynasty and emerged victorious. Escobedo also fought against the French Invasion in Mexico, aiming to gain control over the country. He became a renowned general who battled against Napoleon III of France. His name is displayed in Mexico City airport, Monterey, and various streets across Mexico. It is worth noting that Mexico had borrowed funds from England, France, and Spain.

In 1861, representatives from these countries convened in London to devise a strategy for compelling Mexico to make payments. Troops from these three nations arrived in Veracruz in 1862, receiving a warm welcome from Mexican representatives. General Juan Prim of Spain approved of Mexico’s gradual repayment plan, as did England.

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The French representative was not pleased and demanded payment, prompting him to instruct his troops to prepare for battle. In response, the Benito Juarez government coordinated the defense effort. General Ignazio Zaragoza was tasked with leading the charge against the French in Puebla. The conflict took place at the “Fuertes de Loreto y Guadalupe” where both sides engaged in combat. Zaragoza’s troops received assistance from the Zacapoaxtla Indians.

In 1862, in the Battle of Mat 5, they emerged victorious against the French. The French emperor, Luis Napoleon Bonaparte, aimed to expand his influence in both America and Asia, envisioning the creation of a vast empire. Mexico seized this opportunity to secure a European ruler to govern the country and bring an end to political anarchy. Luis Napoleon ultimately proposed Fernando Maximiliano de Habsburg, who was the brother of Emperor Francisco Jose. Maximiliano accepted this mission and set sail for Mexico alongside his wife, Princess Carlota Amalia de Belgica.

Luis Napoleon sent his army to wish Napoleon luck. Austria and Belgium also sent troops. The emperors arrived in Mexico at the end of 1864. In Veracruz and Puebla, there were big, welcoming celebrations. To confront the invaders, President Juarez formed a itinerant government, which traveled from the capital to the northern border. From these places, it continued the military action led by the armies from the North and West commanded by Mariano Escobedo, Ramon Corona, and Porfirio Diaz.

Throughout the years 1865 to 1867, there were consistent fights occurring in Mexico. Initially, the power was in Europe, but the Mexican population never surrendered and gradually, the circumstances began to shift. Maximilliano established his own government in the castle of Chapultepec in Mexico City. While a significant portion of his supporters were foreign, there were also influential Mexican individuals with foreign backgrounds.

They explored various areas in the city center and Carlota even made it all the way to Yucatan. Maximiliano exhibited a keen interest in the well-being of the Indian laborers.

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Mariano Escobedo As a Healthy Man He Was My Grandparents Great Greatgrandparent. (2019, Mar 12). Retrieved from

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