My Beautiful Dream

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Dreams are a series of images, ideas, emotions and sensations that occur in the mind during sleep. They connect us to an imaginary world and give us hope and inspiration to achieve our goals. The author shares a dream where they were able to give a successful presentation despite their poor English skills. This dream motivated them to work towards improving their communication skills. The author believes that dreams are achievable and we have the power to make them a reality. We should set our dreams in front of our eyes and work towards them to make them come true someday.

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Dreams are series of mental experiences that happen during sleep, typically when brain activity is high and similar to being awake. They transport us to an imaginary realm filled with beautiful things. Here is one of my own beautiful dreams. Dreams are incredible and we all enjoy dreaming and aspiring to improve ourselves each day.

Each one of us has aspirations and strives to accomplish our goals. We all have personal resolutions and something to aspire towards. I, too, would like to share a beautiful and inspiring dream I once had. I vividly recall a night when I dreamt that I was employed at a prestigious company with an impressive position. My boss informed me that I had been selected by the company to give a presentation to everyone.

This news scared me because I have difficulty presenting myself confidently in front of others due to my limited English skills. However, dreams are just dreams. In this dream, I gave a successful presentation and received applause from everyone. It felt like a miraculous moment that made me feel amazing. Unfortunately, my beautiful dream ended abruptly and I realized that my communication skills are still lacking.

I decided that morning to pursue my dream and have faith in its realization. This is why I enrolled in this class – to witness the actualization of my dream. While some may argue that dreams are hard to chase and unattainable, this is untrue. Our dreams are under our influence and can be transformed into reality. To conclude, prioritize your dreams and work towards them with determination; undoubtedly, you will eventually achieve them.

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My Beautiful Dream. (2017, Jan 07). Retrieved from

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