What is a Relief Sculpture?

Updated: June 09, 2023
A relief sculpture is a sculpture that is raised above the surrounding surface. It can be carved, molded, or cast.
Detailed answer:

Relief sculptures are raised from their background material, or they are sunk into it. This means that relief sculptures can be created in a variety of materials, including wood, stone, and metal.

Relief sculptures can take many forms and sizes, depending on the artist’s intention and the medium used to create them.

The most common types of relief sculptures include:

1) Low reliefs — These types of relief sculptures have one plane that is slightly higher than the others.

2) High reliefs — These types of relief sculptures have two or more planes that are significantly higher than the others.

Relief sculptures are usually made by carving or casting an image onto a flat surface (e.g., marble). The artist then raises this image above the background material by carving away at it until only parts of it remain visible. This process is known as “relief.”

The most common form of relief sculpture is bas-relief. This style features images carved into low-relief carvings that sit directly on top of another surface (such as walls). The lower part of each carving is recessed below its surroundings so that only parts of it are visible when viewed from above or below.

Bas-reliefs are often used in decorative arts such as architecture and furniture design because they can add texture and detail to otherwise plain surfaces without taking up too much space or breaking up large areas into smaller sections like statues might do if placed within them.

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What is a Relief Sculpture?. (2023, Jan 25). Retrieved from
