When was jane eyre written?

Updated: November 28, 2022
The novel "Jane Eyre" was written by Charlotte Bronte and was published in 1847.
Detailed answer:

Jane Eyre was first published in 1847. Its main character, Edward Fairfax Rochester, is the love of Jane’s life. Unfortunately, Edward is a victim of his own wife’s manipulation. His father refused to divide his estate with his brother Rowland, so Edward spent four years with Bertha in the West Indies. When his father and brother died, Edward inherited the estate. The novel has received mostly positive reviews, although some critics were horrified by the passionate language and depiction of the title character. Some even condemned the novel for being anti-Christian. In the Quarterly Review, Elizabeth Rigby denounced it as a work against Christianity and the English class system. Rigby also condemned the title character as an unregenerate spirit. Lowood Institution: Lowood Institution is a boarding school for orphans. The school is cold, water freezes in the winter, and the food is bland and often burned. Helen Burns is Jane’s new friend. She thinks Helen deserves to suffer cruelly, but she believes Helen deserves it because she believes in Christian patience. Jane Eyre has 38 chapters. The book can be read as three distinct parts, as the book depicts three distinct stages in Jane’s life. This way, you can see how Jane is affected by specific circumstances and obstacles as she seeks to establish her true home.

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