Which Excerpt From Part 2 of The Odyssey Best Supports The Conclusion That Odysseus Is Clever?

Updated: November 28, 2022
"Odysseus, you are very cunning," she said. "You have outwitted the Cyclops, and now you think you can trick me too." The excerpt best supports the conclusion that Odysseus is clever because he was able to trick the Cyclops and the witch.
Detailed answer:

Odysseus’s cleverness is displayed in his ability to get out of each situation. He first goes to the land of the Cicones, and he sacks it and kills its people. He then goes to the land of the Lotus-eaters, where he is forced to leave again because his men have begun to eat lotus and forget their homes. After that Odysseus goes to the land of Cyclopes, where he is trapped by one of them, but escapes by blinding him. He then goes to Aiolia, where he’s given a bag of wind by the king there. He next goes to the land of Laestrygonians, where he’s attacked by them but escapes. Finally, he goes to Circe’s island, where she turns him into a pig but Hermes turns him back into a man again.

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Which Excerpt From Part 2 of The Odyssey Best Supports The Conclusion That Odysseus Is Clever?. (2022, Sep 22). Retrieved from
