Why The Odyssey Is An Epic Poem?

Updated: November 28, 2022
The Odyssey is an epic poem because it tells the story of a hero's journey home from war. The poem is also full of exciting and dangerous adventures.
Detailed answer:

The Odyssey is an epic poem because it tells the story of a hero’s journey. It begins with Odysseus leaving his home in Ithaca to go on a long journey. He wants to return home to his wife and son, but he must face many challenges along the way, including a battle between good and evil.

The Odyssey is an epic poem because it is a long, narrative poem. One feature that makes The Odyssey an epic is that it has many episodes or stories within the larger story. For example, there are many adventures Odysseus has during his journey home from Troy to Ithaca.

The Odyssey is an epic poem because it tells the story of a great adventure. Another reason The Odyssey qualifies as an epic poem is because it tells about great adventures that happened in ancient times when people fought with swords and shields instead of guns and bombs like we do today!

The Odyssey is an epic poem because it has a grand, sweeping story. In addition to being about great adventures, The Odyssey also contains many themes such as loyalty and forgiveness which made me think about how important those things are in life today too!

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