Both Chris Gardner, protagonist of the film “The Pursuit of Happyness,” and Walter Younger, main character in Lorraine Hansberry’s novel “The Raisin in The Sun,” face the challenge of pursuing their dreams without fully comprehending the amount of hard work required. Set in 1980’s San Francisco, the movie follows financially struggling man Chris Gardner as he strives to improve his life and provide for his family. In contrast, “The Raisin in The Sun” takes place in 1940’s Chicago and focuses on Walter Younger’s pursuit of opening a liquor store to support his family.
Despite the fact that numerous individuals strive to achieve their aspirations, possessing a positive attitude, intelligence, and perseverance are critical factors for attaining one’s goals. Such attributes are exemplified by both Chris Gardner and Walter Younger. Walter, by contrast, is an exceedingly pessimistic individual; virtually everything he utters is superfluous. His attitude lacks positivity, a pivotal element in the pursuit of success. This becomes evident when Walter asserts, “There ain’t no cause- there ain’t nothing but taking in this world, and he who takes most is smartest and it don’t make a damn bit of difference” (Hansberry). In stark contrast to Walter, Chris Gardner exudes immense optimism.
Despite facing numerous challenges, Chris Gardner consistently maintained a positive attitude and encouraged his son to do the same. He emphasized the importance of remaining positive by teaching his son not to let anyone, including himself, say that he couldn’t achieve something. This reflects his belief in the power of positivity and is evident in his efforts to improve his own life.
Throughout the entire story, Chris demonstrates an optimistic outlook and understands that no matter how tough things may appear, there is always room for improvement. If Walter adopts this mindset, he too can attain success.
It is worth mentioning that Chris Gardner also possessed natural intelligence, which further contributed to his achievements.
Natural intelligence can provide individuals with the necessary boost to achieve happiness and fulfill their dreams. Chris, for instance, demonstrates exceptional intelligence when he articulates thoughts that surpass the average person’s level of intellect. When faced with eviction from his apartment in the early scenes of the movie, Chris utters, “happiness is something that someone can only pursue and maybe it can never happen. No matter what” (Gardner). Evidently, Chris possesses a high level of intelligence, enabling him to approach his quest for happiness in a profound and intellectual manner.
Walter has a different perspective compared to George. He believes that acquiring wealth is his primary concern, and he believes that happiness will naturally follow. When George comes to pick up Beneatha, Walter makes a derogatory comment about educated individuals, implying that he holds some resentment towards them. This lack of respect for intelligence suggests that Walter lacks the necessary qualities to pursue his dreams. Ultimately, perseverance is crucial in achieving success and finding happiness.
Chris remains determined to achieve happiness and never gives up on his dreams. According to Gardner, he acknowledges that failure is acceptable but emphasizes the importance of not giving up on oneself. Chris possesses the perseverance needed to succeed. If Walter displayed the same mindset, he too could have achieved the same level of success as Chris. Throughout the story, Walter demonstrates his lack of qualities necessary to realize his dream. This becomes evident when he declares, “baby, nothing in this world happens for you unless you bribe someone!” (Hansberry). Walter believes that money is the sole key to success and misuses it in his pursuit of his dreams.
People worldwide aspire to achieve their dreams and find happiness. Success requires diligent effort, and having a positive attitude is crucial. Additionally, intelligence and its effective utilization serve as essential attributes. Lastly, having perseverance is vital for success. Possessing these three qualities allows one to overcome any hindrance and fulfill their aspirations. Although a challenging task, it is achievable for individuals like Chris Gardner.