Review of Peter the Panderer

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This article discusses a fictitious political speech and analyzes the arguments, facts, and statements within. The writer identifies an argument in the fifth paragraph and non-arguments in the fourth paragraph. They also distinguish between factual and non-factual statements, with examples provided in different paragraphs. Furthermore, the writer highlights a subjective statement in the first paragraph and a relativist statement in the fifth paragraph. Overall, the article explores the different elements of a political speech and provides examples to help understand each concept.

Table of Content

In this fictional political speech, I have categorized the content into arguments and non-arguments, facts and non-facts, subjective statements, and relativist statements. The fifth paragraph contains an argument that is supported by a series of statements. These supporting statements include Peter’s father being laid off at the Steel Mill, their family facing financial struggles for school, and the cancellation of the football season due to insufficient funding.

In the fourth paragraph, Peter accuses Jon of having the motives to instill fear of job loss, create challenging times, and ultimately undermine America. However, Peter fails to support these claims with explanations or evidence. Consequently, this paragraph lacks a persuasive argument and can be classified as non-argumentative. It is crucial to recognize that factual matters can be objectively examined and proven, whereas non-factual matters cannot be validated through experimentation.

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According to my research, the following information can be considered factual. The Wall Street Journal reported a recent 4 percent increase in unemployment in paragraph two of the article. Additionally, this paragraph mentions the signing of an executive order in 2009. Paragraph three discusses a factory worker being laid off in Michigan. In paragraph four, it is stated that American families’ average annual earnings have decreased by $5,000. Furthermore, paragraph five reveals that our high school football season had to be cancelled due to insufficient funding. I strongly believe that all these statements can be verifiable as either true or false and therefore qualify as facts.

The following statements are considered non-facts:

  • In paragraph one, the statement “We are at a turning point in our history…”
  • In paragraph two, the statement “…America is the greatest country on Earth…”
  • In paragraph five, the statement “All of us felt that outsourcing was unethical…”

These statements are subjective and based on the writer’s values, opinions, and beliefs. They cannot be proven and are not considered factual. Additionally, a subjective statement is found in the first paragraph: “My economic plan will create jobs and put money in your pocket.” This statement appeals to people’s emotions.

Everyone desires increased employment opportunities and financial prosperity, but these intangible aspects cannot be quantified or assessed. Peter presents this notion as an optimistic remark, aiming to evoke positive feelings in people and potentially secure their votes. The fifth paragraph contains a relativist statement, where Peter asserts, “All of us felt that outsourcing was unethical because without work in the local factory, none of us would be able to eat.” Peter’s cultural background influences his perception, leading him to deem this situation as unethical from his own vantage point.

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Review of Peter the Panderer. (2016, Jul 27). Retrieved from

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