What does “popularity rank” mean?The number of views a paper receives determines popularity rank. How do I copy a paper to my computer?Highlight all of the text by dragging your mouse cursor over the entire essay. Go to the “Edit” menu in your web browser and select “Copy.” Open your word processing software. (Microsoft Word) Create a new document. Go to the “Edit” menu in your word processing software and select “Paste.” How do you determine the number of pages in a paper?We estimate that there are about 260 words per page using the “Arial” font set at size 12.
How do I donate a paper?Go to the donate page. Highlight all of the text by dragging your mouse cursor over the entire essay. Go to the “Edit” menu in your word processing software and select “Copy.” Be sure the cursor is in the “paper” box on OPPapers.com. Go to the “Edit” menu in your web browse and select “Paste.” Why is “oppapers” the author for so many papers?When we converted to the members-only system we did not know who donated any of our papers. To be recognized as the donator of a paper please go to our claim form.
How do I add a link to OPPapers.com on my website?Please go to our link us page for instructions.
Why can I only see part of the paper?You need to be registered and logged in to OPPapers.com in order to view full papers. Please go to the Login / Register page.
Where is the bibliography?We do not control whether a bibliography will be donated or not. If you don’t see it, we don’t have it. We apologize for any inconvenience.
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Isn’t this plagiarism?No. If you hand in a paper from this site or any other you are committing plagiarism. There is nothing wrong with publishing papers on the internet.
Can I get caught using this site?If you are cheating there is always a chance you will get caught. Teachers know about this site so think twice before handing in a paper you did not write.
Do teachers know about this site?Yes. Teachers all over the world know about this site. They can’t stop us, but they can catch you.
How do I post a message in the forums?You must be a registered user to post messages. To register, please go to the Login / Register page.
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