The Contagious Nature of Emotions Is Related to Mood

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Moods can be as easy to catch as colds. Many things can affect your mood, some more noticeable than others. When you see something and/or someone in a happy or sad mood you may start to unconsciously feel that way yourself. Mimicry, sad and positive posts, and the contagious nature of emotions all relate back to one thing, moods. Even though moods cannot be physically transferred to someone else does not mean you can’t unknowingly do it yourself. One thing the human brain does best is unknowingly mimicing someone or someone’s actions or attitude. Mimicry can either be voluntary or involuntary.

While mimicry is not a bad thing to do, i may help to strengthen your relationship with that person. One study revealed that, “nonconscious mimicry occurs more often in empathetic people.” While even if you aren’t an empathetic person you can still mimic unknowingly. For example, your coworker may be in a bad mood and your mood may unknowingly change into a bad mood also. It doesn’t matter what mood you wake up in because your brain can mimic others moods so you start to feel that way too. Many of us aimlessly scroll through social media.facebook or instagram and see a happy uplifting post, it will most likely put you in a happy mood.

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Why is that? Fowler and Dr. Nicholas Christakis wrote and conducted many studies on social contagion. In another study, the facebook study, the research argued that “emotions play a special role in bonding.” Humans naturally express their emotions, largely on social media. Many researchers respectively argue that “expressions and positive emotions strengthen social relations by producing pleasurable feelings in others.” Contagious nature of emotions is a three step process when one person’s feelings transfer to others. The first stage is nonconscious mimicry. This is when you unknowingly copy someone’s posture, facial expressions and movements. The second stage is the “feedback stage” this is when seeing someone smile or laugh it makes you happy, or if someone frowns you feel sad.

The final contagion stage “individuals share their experiences until their emotions and behaviors become synchronized.” All of these stages are the key factors to why moods are contagious. Moods can be very easy to influence and change. Mimicry, sad and happy posts, and the contagious nature of emotions all help change and influence your emotions. Mimicry can help strengthen your relationship with peers and coworkers. While you are on social media your mood can also be influenced, depending on the types of posts you view takes a toll on your mood. The contagious nature of emotions is a 3 step process, it is the key factor to mood changes. So next time you wonder why your mood starts to be the same as a friend or a coworker take these into mind.

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The Contagious Nature of Emotions Is Related to Mood. (2022, May 17). Retrieved from

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