I think that everyone who wants to teach was first inspired by one of their own teachers. For me, it was Mr. Stacy, my seventh grade science teacher. “He made the difference.” He made the usual boring class work and discussions come to life, full of mystical wonder for everyone involved. I just couldn’t wait for class to start and didn’t want it to end. Everyone in his class wanted to be a science teacher when they grew up, just like the “The Stupendous Mr. Stacy”. He was so fun, cool and entertaining. I probably learned more that year from one man, than I did in all of my years combined in school. The absolute key to a good class is the teacher.
I do have my doubts though. I don’t know if I am cool enough or young enough for the kids to relate too. I’m not sure if I am old enough or wise enough to be able to teach kids effectively. Do I have what it takes to keep the children entertained?
I know that you don’t have to have all those “things” to be an effective school teacher. Kids don’t need another cool friend. Kid’s need someone that cares, someone that knows their name, someone they can count on, someone dependable and honest, someone to encourage them, someone to make them feel important, someone who will listen, and most importantly someone that has a desire to teach. Just like everyone in my seventh grade science class, with Mr. Stacy.
I want to give meaningful lessons along with the entertaining lessons. I was told,” You do not have to be a stand-up comic to be an effective teacher.” A well-illustrated object lesson or science experiment will remain with kids much longer than a lot of brouhaha. I want to be able to draw the kids into the lesson by helping them become part of the lesson. To Include the children as often as possible, draw on the white boards, encourage them to ask questions and participate in class discussions.
I don’t think it matters if you are twenty-four or eighty-four, kids are not that hung up on age. If you have the desire to teach you are well on your way to becoming an effective school teacher. With prayer, a little practice and some careful planning you can create a classroom environment that will make a difference in a lot of kid’s lives.
So, you wanted to know why I want to become a school teacher? Because I want to be the best of the best. I want to hop on the train ride to all the great adventures that is waiting just around the corner to the most wonderful place in the world, my classroom with my students. God has abundant blessings in store for all of us who dare to care.