Leadership is really the act uponing others to take work and in such a manner that I have a good criterion and quality in it. If the leader is executing extraordinary so we say that he is the true leader and accomplishing ends should be the top precedence of him. A good leader believes in extraordinary consequences and these consequences serve as an inspiration for others to execute every bit good.
Peoples believe in the theory that the leader is the 1 who can accomplish ends in a manner that they can non make. Hence the leading effectivity plays the cardinal function in acquiring ends of highest precedence for the organisation. The effectivity of the leader is straight related to the growing of the organisation and more the organisation will turn due to his accomplishments and difficult work. But still there is a job to judge the effectivity of the leader. That inquiry has been answered by many writers along with their theories. Peter F. Drucker says that ‘Management becomes right when the leading does the right things. ‘
This paper is written with the intent of doing a survey of some leader with the intent to measure the strong features to go the leader so the observation and interview informations is collected which so analyzed to do a concluding statement about the traits of a good leader. After the analysis and treatment I have tried to develop a leading development program which was based on the features of my leader and feedback.
Background of leader
My chosen leader in this paper is Pakistani Dr S. M. Junaid Zaidi. He is one of the innovators in the IT sector of Pakistan. He established COMSATS Institute of Information Technology ( CIIT ) in 1998, at that clip it was the 1 of few institute of information engineering in Pakistan. Dr Zaidi is related to instruction industry for many old ages. His calling starts with the Master ‘s grades in Physics and Mathematics in early 1970 ‘s which he got from Punjab University Lahore.
Then he went to UK for farther surveies and completed Master ‘s grade in Operation Research from Birmingham University he continued his surveies and got a doctor’s degree from the same institute with specialisation in optimisation of Algorithms on Networking. After returning to Pakistan he served as Government Officers for Government of Pakistan in the field of Science and Technology, and besides remained an Advisor for United Nations for Malaysia. After a long experience of 25 old ages in direction and Science and Technology he started his ain institute CIIT with coaction with COMSTECH.
Under his leading COMSATS Institute of Information Technology Achieved a figure of mileposts and was given Charter by the Government of Pakistan in 2000 after that the door of success for COMSATS opened and in less so ten old ages it become taking institute in the field of Modern Studies. CIIT has now seven different subdivisions in different metropoliss of Pakistan with more so 16000 pupils enrolled and 1500 module members.
Government of Pakistan recognized the singular accomplishment of DR. SM Junaid Zaidi and he was given the national Award i.e. Sitara-i-Imtiaz ( Start of Distinction ) for his singular attempts to the Services of Pakistan in 2007. He besides got the top IT award by NCR in 2001 for his singular attempts for Pakistan during 1987-1995 and was awarded IT Pioneer “ 1987-1995 ” .
Leadership theoretical account
I have used way end theoretical account for the effectivity of Dr. S.M Junaid Zaidi in this paper ( see appendix D ) . In this theoretical account we analyze the influence of the leader over its subsidiaries and the way towards the end and the ability of the leader to accomplish those ends. This theoretical account is really the qualities of leader to take hurdlings and do moves towards ends.
This theoretical account is really the anticipation theory of motive and the manner of leading that the leader adopts to accomplish the ends and output best possible consequences. “ The state of affairs has an impact on the leading manner of an effectual leader. And so there comes the motive and capableness of follower ‘s, the narrative do n’t stop here but the trouble of occupation and other contextual factors besides play at that place function in leading. Evans, M.G. ( 1970 )
The two agencies of doing notes on the leading of our proposed leader are taken as observation and the interview as the other 1. Both of these methods helps me to measure the personality of my leader in the best manner and helps me to develop a leading program.
Interview is conducted to detect the interior ego of a individual and kind out the features of him which can non be observed in day-to-day life. I have used an interview which is structured and have tried to properly cover all the information to be asked. The interview will assist me easy happen out the traits of Dr. S M Junaid Zaidi which in general are really hard to happen out. It has made my work more elaborate and easy to analyse.
Observation method of research is developed in detecting people in natural scene. This method focuses more on people ‘s natural behavior in day-to-day life ( May, 2001 ) . As an perceiver Judgess the state of affairs he set up some thought about the personality of the leader. Then with the aid of the interview inquiry the perceiver can associate the two scenes and can make some good statements about the personality. Second the perceiver can watch and roll up information straight with the aid of observation straight. I choose straight observation method by taking note what he is making during observation clip ( see appendix A ) .
The interview is conducted with the intent of admiting the trait, behaviour, manner, ethic, power and influence of the leader. ( seen in Appendix B ) . These inquiries are designed in a manner that I have got the thought of the leader with regard to the way end leading theoretical account. I used the electronic mail method to interview him as this was the most executable and easy manner for me.
I visited the organisation a few hebdomads ago to hold an observation of his activities and I besides had some clip to chew the fat with him over a cup of tea that ‘s all made possible due to a workshop conducted on the personality traits by CIIT and he was the talker in that workshop. After the workshop on refreshment I asked him few inquiries and tried to judge his personality and interim he besides told me some utile tips that he utilize to pull off his subsidiaries. He has a alone personality and I exhaustively observed his manner of meeting people and the manner he uses to affect people with his personality.
As from the Table in Row one the traits are shown. From the collected information we can state that both the interview informations and the observation informations are rather similar to each other. Both methodological analysiss show the same traits. The interview information shows that he is end oriented which was non shown in the observation informations. He is humourous which was obvious from his address and he was besides really intelligent as shown by the tabular array.
My observation shows that Dr. Junaid Zaidi is one of the effectual leader as all the features of the effectual leader that are described in the trait theory are found in him i.e Sense of Humor, Warmth, Tolerance for Frustration, Internal Locus for Control and extraversion, Emotional Intelligence, trustiness, adaptability and flexibleness. Most of these features were observed In Dr. SM Junaid Zaidi both in observation and in Interview.
However, “ Leading is really the function of the organisation leader to excite workers to accomplish there mark by directing and actuating them with effectual communicating so that they can do there advancement in effectual mode. “ ( Bateman and Snell, 1999: 7 ) Furthermore, Fiedler ( 1967 ) says that the leader would be every bit effectual as the would do himself congruent to the demands of the state of affairs.
The tasked orientated leaders seem to be more effectual in the state of affairss high or low control and predictability, and oriented leaders seem to be more effectual in the utmost state of affairss. Furthermore, Intagliata et Al. ( 2000 ) contend that leading competences are considered to be of import in the accomplishment of organisational ends, peculiarly when the competences are organisation specific. Metz ( 2001 ) notes, today, effectual leading has to be superb ability in order to hold an impact on the others and therefore doing it possible to be leader in every field. ”
All the statements have proved that the leaders are born and the have features of leader in them. These traits help us in screening of the qualities that who is leader and who is non leader and besides the effectivity of a leader. Hence after detecting the traits of a good leader we have come to cognize that Dr. SM Junaid Zaidi is an effectual leader.
Acording to the observation and interview the behaviour of Dr. SM Junaid Zaidi is that of a leader because he has some really good qualities of Situation Analyst and moderate Risk Taker along with motivational. He is a born leader and harmonizing to behaviour theory, he is end oriented. It means he believes in accomplishing ends through relationship between people and production to derive the optimal consequences through engagement, engagement and committedness ( Dubrin, et all, 2006 ) .
Furthermore, this manner gets the followings affecting in organisational end and determined production demand as portion of organisation. That will ensue in teamwork committedness which would hold respectful impact and motivated squad work and satisfaction of these would take to high degree of production. ” ( Zeidan, LACPA, 2009 )
However, my personal observation shows that Dr. Zaidi is a end oriented personality and he wants his squad to accomplish every bit much as possible. Like Riggs ( 1982 ) argues that direction and leading are two separate hemispheres. Directors tend to work within defined bounds of known measures, utilizing well-established techniques to carry through preset terminals ; the director tends to emphasize agencies and neglect terminals. The leader ‘s undertaking is to keep, before all individuals connected with an establishment or organisation, some vision of what its mission is and how it can be reached more efficaciously.
Directors may be described as being excessively busy making the possible to happen clip to make for the hard or impossible. Leadership involves looking frontward, every bit good as inward ( p. eight ) . Hence Dr. Zaidi fulfils this dimension of looking frontward and inward at the same clip. This manner focuses on the undertaking accomplishment. Task oriented leading create energy by achievement of undertaking efficient and seasonably.
Task-oriented leading besides keeps people focus on the undertaking and understand struggle in group ( Gray, 2009 ) . “ Harmonizing to gray there must be some peculiar characteristics in the personality of an effectual leader like he must possess some vivacious creativeness with passionate committedness and copiousness of common sense merely the he will hold an attitude and behaviour of a good leader. “ Metz concluded: “ to develop this new leader is an tremendous challenge ” ( p. 2-3 ) .Therefore, Hence Dr. SM Junaid Zaidi is an effectual leader based on his leading behavior.
Based on interview informations, Dr. Zaidi has an effectual personality and the power to affect people with his manner to communicating. Patterson ( 2009 ) suggests that leaders who use their ain personal power to do certain that he has an influential impact on the others so that they may see the organisation a life organism. , He must possess flexible system and open to others. This will take to actuate employees and in bend will give better consequences.
Furthermore, Felix E. Unaeze ( 1990 ) says Aligning People-communicating the way by words and workss to all those whose cooperation may be needed so as to act upon the creative activity of squads and alliances that understand the vision and schemes, and accept their cogency. From above mentioned strong supportive stuff it is obvious that Dr. S M Junaid Zaidi is doing his powerful personality working for his organisation. He utilizes his ain powerful attitude to make work and make consciousness that our organisation is more consequence oriented instead so task oriented.
Harmonizing to Purkey and Siegel ( 2003 ) , “ Leadership is a pattern that makes the advancement of the organisation possible and it helps merely when the leaders have a powerful impact on the maps of the organisation. There is a theory of invitational leading that helps the leaders to avoid hard determination and it helps the organisation to make some powerful future end oriented squad work. ” ( p. 1 ) Hence Dr. Zaidi is person who has created a chrisma of powerful leading and is a function theoretical account in the eyes of the employees of the organisation. So his power is doing him an effectual leader.
Interview and observation informations shows that Dr. Zaidi has a strong influence over his staff by audience and strong determination devising accomplishment. He has ability to utilize his accomplishments and abilities to do others work like he does therefore he influences the staff. Furthermore harmonizing to the survey besides the leader is one who has ability to act upon in a positive manner like Gardener ( 1993 ) describes the characteristics of an influential leader he may hold some originative thought that the others might comprehend as a novel but subsequently they accept that in civilization but besides he do certain to work out hard jobs and supply footing to them for hereafter. ( p. 35 )
The other maneuver that he uses to affect his staff is his considerate nature he assumes that the others are a good aid to him in being giving suggestions as he is from instruction industry like the schools research done by ( Brookover & A ; Lezotte, 1977 ; Edmonds, 1979 ; Sergiovanni, 2001 ) shows that the leader related to some instruction industry must demo powerful and influential instruction background. ‘
He tries to keep a n effectual leading through doing certain that the others are satisfied with what stairss he takes and besides that the major alterations needed in his personality. Like the undermentioned grounds Gresso ( 1993 ) , suggest that some modern constructs can be developed from the apprehension of the influential leading traits which will give the foundation of the values that are shared in the organisation and are indispensable to the organisation. Thus the survey suggest that the qualities that we have found in the Dr. Zaidi are really much related to the construct of leading.
Dr. Junaid Zaidi is a really baronial individual. He has a really low personality and is acute to offer what he has to others. Lie he has introduced the most effectual scholarship strategies for his pupils and he has prticipted in figure of charity programmes immediately. Harmonizing to consequentialist theory, his actions are ethical. The information besides shows that he is unity and equity. In measuring the ethical leading, we should look at both single leader and context within leader ‘s determination or action. A leading with unity and equity would be judged different from one with characteristic in inquiry ( Brophy, 2010 ) .
Meanwhile the leading traits of Dr. S M Junaid Zaidi besides have a batch of relevancy with the literature like ‘Good leading is inseparable from blameless moralss, function patterning the value of making the right thing, and being guided by a sound moral compass ‘ ( Carter, p. 37) . Hence, Dr. Zaidi is effectual leader.
Leadership theoretical account
Observation and Interview with Dr. SM Junaid Zaidi shows that he is a self incentive, ambitious and end oriented leader Ho wants to do some advancement in life on every measure. He set illustration and do his employees follow his pes stairss and therefore make a way end theoretical account. He has set the aims and intent of the employees to accomplish ends. He involves in every activities of company to do certain all activities are done good by straight stating the subsidiaries what they are supported to execute. Harmonizing to research Directive leading aid employees experience comfy about themselves, their colleague and state of affairs ( Northouse, 2010 ) .
Furthermore, Dr. Zaidi holds a high prestigiousness in the eyes of the employees he makes some aggressive moves when needed but still creates so much enthusiasm among his employees that hey experience a good relationship with each other. His inspirational addresss to his employees make his leading more effectual.
Stephen J. Zaccaro ” says that the combinations of different features of leaders and properties in them help employees in many different ways it is more likely to judge the qualities of leader instead so individual traits. In add-on to this the leaders besides possess a nucleus form of behavior that leads to the different stable characteristics ecessary to keep a productive result.
In add-on, interview informations shows that Dr. S M Junaid Zaidi behaves as participative leading manner as good harmonizing to the old survey. He frequently consults with his employees to acquire their thoughts and suggestions so earnestly take it into history when doing determination. He besides enforces two manner communications in company to seek staffs ‘ feedback about working environment. Dubrin ( 2010 ) besides agrees that participative manner is best suit to better the moral of well-motivation of employees who is executing the undertaking.
Dr. S M junaid Zaidi has different attacks on different occasions and some times he is supportive some clip directing and largely participative. He is a sort of leader who takes duty and makes determinations as a nucleus value in order to heighten the public presentation of organisation. He tries to take obstructions from the way of organisation. He is particiapative in every subdivision of organisation and most of his friends says that he is an all libertine in the field of direction. He is supportive to his co-workers and helps them in any manner they want. Hence Dr. S M Junaid Zaidi Approves all the quality and attacks towards the leading.
From all the treatment we have deduced that the traits and behaviour we observed in Dr. Zaidi are harmonizing to the theory and research and the Dr. Zaidi is one who makes the powerful determination in the organisation. He is low and baronial adult male who have feelings for others and can act upon others with his personality. Now we I have concluded the information in a table signifier.
Based on what I have observed and interviewed my leader Dr. Zaidi and informations of 360 degree feedback, I found a considerable spread between him and me, particularly in countries such as assurance, persuasion accomplishments, communicating accomplishments and direction accomplishments. In order to be effectual leader like DR. Zaidi in the hereafter, I must manage and get the better of all my failings by upgrading my cognition and better my leading accomplishment. I have made leading self- development program for two old ages.