Work Life in Leeville

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The argument suggests that the workers in Leeville take fewer sick days and have a lower diagnosis rate of stress-related illnesses due to the health benefits of a relaxed pace of life. However, the argument lacks evidence to support this conclusion. It is unclear if the workers in both towns have the same working conditions and occupation, which is a crucial factor in comparing their health situations. Moreover, the connection between sick days and health conditions is not well-established. The comparison between the two towns, located 50 miles apart, is also questionable. Additionally, the author fails to show the exact number and proportion of stress-related illnesses and whether the diagnosed cases can fully illustrate the actual number of patients. Finally, stress is a complex result of various factors, and without considering other environmental situations, attributing it solely to the relaxed pace of life in Leeville is not valid. To convince the reader of the argument, the author needs to conduct a detailed investigation of the workers in both cities under controlled parameters and provide more information about the causes of stress-related illnesses.

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Workers in the small town of Leeville take fewer sick days than workers in the large city of Masonton, 50 miles away. Moreover, relative to population size, the diagnosis of stress-related illness is proportionally much lower in Leeville than in Masonton. According to the Leeville Chamber of Commerce, these facts can be attributed to the health benefits of the relatively relaxed pace of life in Leeville. Write a response in which you discuss one or more alternative explanations that could rival the proposed explanation and explain how your explanation(s) can plausibly account for the facts presented in the argument. 0:37 This argument concludes that life in Leeville is relatively more relaxed compared to the large city of Masonton, the reason of which is that Leville’s workers take fewer sick days off and that the stress-related illnesses diagnosis are at a lower rate.

The author’s conclution is, however, is frought with holes and assumptions. To begin with, the author fausly assumed that the relatively fewer sick days taken by Leeville workers can indicate that Leeville’s circumstance is better and healthier than that of Masonton without accurate illustration of 3 aspects. irstly, Without knowing whether the workers are in the same working condition and whether they are occupied in the same kind of work, the conclusion is invalid because of no controlled variable factors. secondly, the writer made a hasty connection between sick days and health situation without futher invesitgation. It is likely that the sick days can’t be representative to the health condition but only excuses. What’s more,seperated by 50 miles, the two cities may possiblably in rather different conditon.

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As a result, without further investigation and illustration, the comparison is hasty thus lead to invalid conclusion. On the other hand, the facts that the diagnosed stress-related illnesses rate is lower in Leeville still can’t be attributed to the health benefits of relatively relaxed ace of life in Leeville. The author fails to show the exact number and proportion of stress-related illnesses. Besides, there’s no proof to verify that whether the diagnosed illness cases can fully illustrate the actual number of this ind of patients. For there is a possibility that the total number of people suffering from stress-related illness is higher in Leeville but most of them are not diagnosed by doctors.

ёFianlly, even if the number of people suffering from stress-related illness is higher in Leeville, we still can’t make a rationation that it is the contribution of Leeville’s relaxed pace of life. Stress can be a complicated result of various factors such as weather, health condition, and other environmental situation. ithout preclude these factors, the attribution is still hasty and invalid . I conclusion ,the conclusion is not well supported . To convince me that it is health benefits of the relatively relaxed pace of life in Leeville, the author should make detailed invesitgation of workers in two cities under exacting controlled experimental parameters. To bolster it, the writer need to give more information about the cause of stress-related illness. 21:42

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Work Life in Leeville. (2017, Feb 02). Retrieved from

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