A Flight That Changed My Life

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While some may not consider it remarkable, the act of boarding my first flight deeply impacted my perspective on life. It marked the beginning of an amazing journey as my family and I moved to a foreign country, which had never been a thought in my mind before. In just 24 hours on that plane, this flight completely transformed my existence by introducing me to an entirely different way of living.

In 2006, my family and I made the decision to move abroad during winter. Before our departure, my mother informed me that she, my brother, and I were going to immigrate to the United States of America in search of better opportunities. At just 14 years old, I had no knowledge of what awaited me in the U.S., but I was incredibly excited about traveling overseas for the very first time. Time passed swiftly, leaving little opportunity for me to bid farewell properly to my friends and most importantly, my beloved great grandmother.

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I eagerly anticipated boarding my first flight, excited to see my motherland from above. This journey was meant to provide a better life for my family, yet tears welled up for unknown reasons. Perhaps I was scared or missed my old home. Regardless, I let go of any tears and embarked on the plane with my family. In August 2006, at nighttime, our plane landed at the International Airport of Houston. Stepping off the plane, I knew that a whole new destiny awaited me, and I understood that my life would be completely transformed.

The impressive skyscrapers and the new climate of the city greatly inspired me. Witnessing the immense buildings and bright city lights of a highly developed country, I made a promise to myself that I would learn how to create such marvels in the future. I fell in love with my new home due to its winter weather and modern technology, both completely new experiences for me. Additionally, I committed myself to achieving my goals and ultimately living on the top floor of a skyscraper.

Upon receiving my immigration document, I immediately started school without much time to rest or explore the town. As someone with limited knowledge of English, starting school felt like being lost in the Amazon forest. However, I transformed from a non-English speaker into someone who can now speak and understand most English. Over the next few years, my life gradually changed as I adapted to my new environment. That flight had transformed me into an improved person with a promising future.

Living in this city has been truly transformative for me.

S, I almost lost my motivation due to the individuals I used to associate with. However, I transformed this situation into an opportunity to remain focused on the positive changes and committed to reaching my goals.

Coming to the U.S. has given me a new beginning and exposed me to a completely different world. I have managed to maintain a positive mindset while constantly remembering where I come from.

Over time, I have noticed significant changes within myself. My determination remains strong as I work towards proving that these transformations will ultimately lead me to success in the future.

Living and studying in a country known for its exceptional education has given me an invaluable chance to pursue my dreams and goals. This experience has greatly impacted the person I am today, teaching me to seize every opportunity for personal growth. Without taking that initial leap, I can’t even fathom who I would be now. Despite encountering difficult situations, I have maintained my determination and remained focused on the positive changes in my life. Constantly reminding myself of my immigrant status provides me with the resilience and motivation needed to keep striving towards my aspirations.

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A Flight That Changed My Life. (2016, Oct 26). Retrieved from


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