A Leader and His Congregation

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The church I go to every week in Pine Hill is growing. It is home to numerous wonderful individuals who are deeply connected spiritually. They are like a family whom you can confide in, sharing your life challenges, and receiving guidance and support from them. Our pastor is an affectionate individual who genuinely strives to assist others to the best of his ability. He exudes warmth and comfort, resembling a large teddy bear. Nonetheless, being a pastor necessitates certain responsibilities and qualifications.

Speaking of a good pastor, it is expected that he or she adheres to divine laws and demonstrates such adherence in a way that is evident to the congregation. Moreover, a good pastor should possess traits such as a benevolent and compassionate nature, as well as demonstrate strong leadership within the church. Although my pastor possesses the aforementioned qualities, he lacks the necessary skills to effectively lead. According to the definition of “leader,” which refers to someone who directs, commands, or guides others or a collective activity, it is safe to say that my pastor falls short of meeting these criteria.

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Despite my admiration for my pastor, he predominantly fulfills the role of a teacher within the congregation rather than providing the necessary leadership. It is crucial for the strength of the congregation to have an effective leader. Nevertheless, I want to emphasize that overall, it is an exceptional church that I thoroughly enjoy attending and contributing to in various ways.

Each week at church, I am deeply moved by the love shown to me. However, I think the church could be even better if two things were to occur. Firstly, we should recognize the importance of having a new pastor who can provide guidance and not just instruction. Alternatively, we could discuss our concerns with the current pastor and give him a chance to enhance his leadership abilities. If he successfully transforms into a stronger leader, we may decide to support him and become his disciples.

If the congregation collaborates to deal with this matter, I am confident that the church members will gain benefits. By selecting a more competent leader, a larger number of individuals might be introduced to Jesus Christ and witness their lives being influenced in ways that surpass understanding. Nevertheless, those who do not actively pursue a new pastor may eventually realize that they have Jesus in their hearts but lack the capacity to lead others towards Him. Alternatively, they may never get the chance to encounter Jesus or receive the numerous blessings He bestows.

Given the popularity of this pastor, it may prove challenging to find unanimous agreement with my perspective. The church elders attest, “the pastor is a man of God, evident in his daily life; he is both an upstanding individual and a proficient leader.” Meanwhile, the worship team acknowledges that while he may lack certain leadership capabilities, he remains a devout man of God, and they advocate for a pastor of his caliber.

In both cases, each party acknowledges or implies their lack of leadership skills, indicating that this is evident to others as well as myself. Consequently, if we fail to identify a leader for this church, the children, who represent its future, will not be guided to actively follow or embody Christ’s teachings. As a result, this church will gradually diminish until it resembles its state in 1990 – merely another unnoticed church as people casually drive or walk past it.

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A Leader and His Congregation. (2018, Sep 02). Retrieved from


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