An Analysis of the Relation Between Texting and Driving

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Texting has become the biggest part of life in today’s society. People spend more time texting each other than they do actually having a face to face conversation. Texting has become so common that people text in class, at work, and even while driving. Although texting can have its own consequences in the classroom or at work; texting becomes a completely different problem when it is performed while driving. Texting distracts the driver from focusing on the road. This causes car crashes that can cause injury or death. Therefore, texting and driving should be illegal much like drinking and driving is because it can lead to serious harm and the person who committed the act would have to live with the guilt. People who drink and drive are always held accountable for their actions. People choose to drink and step into the car. It is the same concept when it comes to texting and driving. People choose to pick up the phone and type a message while driving. Someone who takes his or her eyes off the road immediately become a danger to themselves and others. People can not see what is happening around him or her when texting on the phone.

Something as simple as missing a stop sign can occur while texting and driving. Unfortunately, missing a stop sign can lead to crashing into another car that could have a family in it. Something as simple as missing a stop sign can cause injury or death to a family. There is no difference when it comes to drinking and driving or texting and driving. Whether someone drinks or texts while driving both can lead to the lack of attention on the road and serious injury to others or one’s self. Another relation between texting and driving and drinking and driving is guilt. People who either drink and drive or text and drive cause car crashes. Those car crashes can lead to injury or death of a child or parent. That person who decided that texting and driving would be suitable at that moment is now faced with the death of a child, a parent, or both. A simple choice could have prevented the death of another person.

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Drinking alcohol can also lead to the death of a child or parent. It can also be a person’s choice not to drink and drive. Due to one small choice people who have taken the life of another person due to drinking or texting while driving will have to live with the guilt that there is a child that possibly lost a parent or vice versa because of one small choice. There are many relations between drinking and driving and texting and driving. Therefore, texting and driving should be illegal much like drinking and driving is because it can lead to serious injury or death to others or one’s self and it can lead to people having to live with guilt of injuring or possibly killing another person.

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An Analysis of the Relation Between Texting and Driving. (2022, Jun 10). Retrieved from

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