Analysis of the Glycerinated Muscle Fiber

Table of Content

The end for this lab was to find the conditions that demonstrate what chemicals in musculus fibres are necessary for contraction and which 1s prevent musculus contraction from happening in a simplified system in order to find the minimal demand for contraction.


In order to fix musculus fibres, a individual yarn was obtained from a mass of glycerinated musculus fibres which was about 0.5 millimeters in diameter. The musculus was a coney psoas musculus in 50 % glycerin ( stored at -10 grades C ) obtained from Carolina Biological. In order to hold an observation of what was taking topographic point with the musculus, Nikon E400 was used. The fibre was placed on a slide in the presence of 0.05 M KCl and 0.005 M K phosphate buffer ( pH 7 ) . The first measure was to observe the minimal requirement solution for musculus contraction to take topographic point. This was done by utilizing the undermentioned solutions: 0.001 M MgCl2, 0.001 M CaCl2, and 0.1 M ATP. The demand was determined after detecting the alterations taking topographic point when each of the solutions were added to the musculus individually, in combinations of two, and all three solutions together.

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After the minimal demand was determined, chelators were used to see whether they inhibited contraction in the presence of the solution that caused contraction. The chelators were 0.002 M EDTA and 0.002M EGTA. The EDTA binds Ca ++ and Mg ++ . EGTA binds merely Ca++ . The chelating agents heighten the solubility of Mg and Ca and let them to distribute out of the musculus fibres. This causes the remotion of the ions from the actin and myosin environment. It was of import that the chelators were added before the catching agents when suppression was being tested. Otherwise, it would be impossible to observe any alterations one time the contraction has taken topographic point ; contraction is non reversible once it occurs in a simplified system.

Then Solution A and Solution B were used to analyze the localisation of myosin and actin in the sarcostyles. Solution A & A ; acirc ; ˆ™s map was to solubilize and take myosin in the signifier of monomers from its venue which is in the sarcostyle. Solution B had the same behaviour as the actin. The Solutions were placed on the sarcostyle to see alterations that took topographic point and observations were made.

Discussion and Decision

During this lab, utilizing the microscope we examined the alterations that took topographic point when certain solution were introduced to the coney psoas musculus fibres. The solutions caused contraction, inhibited contraction to happen, or had no consequence on the sarcomeres at all. We used glycerinated sarcostyles from coney psoas musculus which is a type of striated musculus. Rabbit psoas musculus was a good theoretical account to utilize for this lab since the fibres are long and consecutive. Besides one other advantage was that there were non a batch of connective tissues linking the musculus fibres together. This was an in vitro theoretical account significance that experiment was completed outside the life being.

The Phase Contrast with magnification of 10X/ 40X was used during this lab to analyze the slide because the cells are crystalline and Phase Contrast is the best option to utilize in order to hold a good declaration. Under a microscope the myofibers were striated and they had a repeating form of sets and lines. The form was caused by parallel organisation of protein fibrils within the sarcostyles. In the sarcostyle, there are two types of filament- the midst fibrils which consist of the protein myosin and thin fibrils composed of the protein actin.

As demonstrated on Table 1, Mg2Cl2, Ca2Cl2, and ATP were the solution used to find the alterations taking topographic point with the musculus. All of the three solutions were placed on the slide which consisted of a yarn of musculus fibre and contraction of the musculus was observed. We could state when contraction was taking topographic point because the fibre was short in length and it was easy to see the alterations such as the shortening in length and the colour alteration. When Mg2Cl2 and Ca2Cl2 were added separately to the fibre, nil happened. However, every bit shortly as the ATP was placed on alterations were easy observed. ATP caused musculus contraction by itself. The sarcomeres in the musculus fibre shortened in length and the colour changed from light yellow to darker yellow.

However, in order to do certain this was the minimal demand for musculus contraction, we added Mg2Cl2 with ATP and Ca2Cl2 with ATP.

With the MgCl2 and ATP, the contraction occurred instantly as the solutions were added. The contraction was even faster than the ATP entirely. Then ATP and Ca2Cl2 solutions were introduced and this besides caused contraction. Even though the combination of the two solutions caused contraction to happen faster than ATP by itself, it was slower than the solutions of ATP and Mg2Cl2. As a consequence, we concluded that ATP was the minimal demand needed for the cells to contract. All the solutions that caused contraction were non in one dimension because every constituent of a sarcomere was confronting alterations except the A set which stayed the same. The I sets, the M line, the Z lines, and the actin and mysosin- they were all diminishing in length in order to do contraction. At the terminal, it was determined that ATP was the demand for glycerinated musculus contraction. When there is no ATP nowadays, the myosin caputs in the musculus will non be activated and it would non adhere to the actin. In glycerinated tissues, the combination of KCl and MgCl2 with ATP increased the strength of musculus contraction. This was chiefly due to myosin & amp ; acirc ; ˆ™s high affinity for these ions.

Table 2 shows whether contraction was inhibited in the presence of chelating agents, EDTA and EGTA, when it was used with the chief solution that caused contraction, ATP. EDTA and EGTA did non suppress contraction from taking topographic point, but the contraction was slower than when ATP was present. EDTA is a chelating agent that binds Ca++ and Mg++ and EGTA is a chelating agent that binds Ca++ . The chelating agents increase the solubility of Mg 2+ and Ca2+ so that they can go forth the musculus fibres. With ATP and the chelating agents, contraction occurred and there was no suppression taking topographic point.

Table 3 shows two different solutions, Solution A and solution B, and their consequence on actin and myosin. As shown in the tabular array, solution A had KCl, phosphate buffer, Na pyrophosphate, and MgCl2 while solution B had phosphate buffer. Both of these solutions did non do any contraction in the musculus based on our observations. However, alterations were discernible because in both instances the fibres changed colour ; they became lighter xanthous. This meant that the musculuss were non undertaking. Solution A made the mysosin more soluble and solution B acted in the same mode as the actin.

When comparing the musculus in life tissue, the glycerinated musculus system is different. The glycerination technique eliminates ions and ATP from the tissue and disrupts the troponin/tropomyosin composite. When the composite is interrupted, the available binding sites on the actin fibres are no longer blocked ( Cell and Molecular Biology ) . As a consequence, Ca2+ is non one of the demands to do contraction. On the other manus, since there is no ATP is in the glycerinated tissue, the myosin caputs can non be activated to do contraction. After the musculus contracted it did non loosen up since there were no opposing musculuss to draw it. Besides, musculus fibres do non contract when there are no stimulations or nervus signals and this was one of the differences with glycerinated musculus and the life cell musculus.

Mistakes could hold occurred in this lab if one used really thick musculus strands. Having dilutant strands were better to hold good consequences. Besides, it is possible that much of the Ca was still in the sarcoplasmic Reticulum of the glycerinated musculus, which would hold lead into wrong consequences. All in all nevertheless, the lab was successful and we have obtained what we were looking for- what solutions cause contraction, which 1s inhibit, and what is the minimal demand for musculus contraction.

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Analysis of the Glycerinated Muscle Fiber. (2017, Jul 10). Retrieved from

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